Mummy - [CHAPTER 2] Restarting Life

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Part 1 - Getting Him Ready

James's mum looked at James who looked identical to a 1-year-old and James's Mum grabbed a nappy and placed it under him. She powdered his private parts and taped the nappy up fully. James sat there in nothing but a size 2 Pampers nappy.

"Mum, can we come and see him?" Nicholas Asked
"Yes you can come and see my little Jam" James's mum Replied

Nicholas entered the room and James's mum picked him up from the changing table. James's mum put him against her body James wiggled around in her arms but soon calmed down. 

"Awhh, he looks so cute," Nicholas Said
"Yep, James I am going you to tell me when you play with him when he pees and poops" James's mum said
"Okay Mum" Nicholas Replied
"James, do you want to play with your brother?" James's mum asked
"Nwooh, mwe wanne play by mwysel" James replied quietly
"Okay sweetheart" James's mum Replied

James's mum walked over to his crib and grabbed the pacifier out of the crib she put it in his mouth and James started to suck on the baby pacifier James's mum brought him downstairs into the living room. James looked around in the living room to see baby toys along the floor James's mum walked over to the carpet in the middle of the room and then sat down James on the floor.

James looked confused but found some toys he put his pacifier on the floor and picked up the toy, He drooled on the floor and built some stuff with some building blocks. 30 minutes later James begun to cry he stomach rumbled. 

"Mwe Hwungy" James Said Sobbing and having a tantrum

Francis walked over too James and picked him up he brought him into the kitchen and got him into the highchair. 

"Mum can you make a baby bottle for James?" Francis Asked
"Yes of course" James's mum said

James carried on sobbing and having a tramtrum he squirmed around in the highchair. James mum walked into the dining room and grabbed a baby bottle she grabbed some baby formula and filled up and then put water init. She put some laxactives into the baby milk and then put on the lid. She walked over to James and gave him the baby bottle. 

James started to suck on the baby bottle after a few minutes most of the baby bottle and James pulled away from the baby bottle. James's mum picked him up and started to pat his back after a few minutes James burped.

James felt weird after being burped. James's mum brought him to the living room and sat him back onto the floor. James tried to get out of living room to explore, he tried to stand up but couldn't walk that far until falling back down. 

2 hours later after watching some TV. James started to pee into the pampers and poop into the nappy. After a few minutes James's nappy was officially being used. Nicholas walked out of the room and told James's mum. 

James's mum walked into James who was watching  PJmasks, James giggled and was enterained watching. James's mum walked over to James and picked him up she checked the nappy too see it was wet. James's mum walked upstairs and went into James's nursery she grabbed an pamper and set James down onto the changing table she untaped the nappy and pulled it out she wiped down his private parts and then sprinkled some baby powder around his crotch area then got him into a new nappy James's mum looked at the time after changing his nappy completely the time was 2:00pm.

"Honey It is nap time. Lets get you changed" James's mum said

James mum walked over too the closet and grabbed an Short baby dungeraoo's and baby blue body suit she walked back over too James, James looked nervously and James's mum got him into the body suit with ease.  

She grabbed the dungaroos and got them on him, James looked adorable and James giggled and clapped his hands. James's mum picked him up and did not put him in his crib in his room. She brought him too her room and put him in a baby rocker near her bed and buckled him in. 

"paciii" James Squilled
"Nick, can you grab James's pacifier and bring him it up." James's Mum said
"Okay," Nicholas Replied

Nicholas grabbed his pacifier and brought it upstairs he walked into her room too see James in the baby rocker. Nicholas kneeled down and put the pacifier in his mouth. James started to suck on the pacifier and soon after a few minutes fell asleep. James's mum got onto too her bed and thaught about Nicholas's Childhood.

Part Two - Idea Coming

James's mum typed a document of requirements to change Nicholas, And the rules she would have for him at his new age.

"Nicholas Can you come into my room" James's mum asked
"Yes off course mum" Nicholas Replied

Nicholas walked up the stairs and sat down on her bed James's mum hid the documents. 

"Nicholas you know you suffer from Social Anxiety Disorder since of you being bullied when you where a kid" James's mum Said
"Y- yes Mum," Nicholas Replied
"Well I know you did not really get a good childhood since you are the middle and I was wondering, This is completely up to you if you wanted to become a toddler again?" James's mum asked
"U- uuhh, I would love that." Nicholas Replied
"I will give these documents to tell you the rules and activities you will be doing as a toddler" James's mum said

James's mum handed him the document and Nicholas read through all of these and nodded. James's mum smiled.

Part Three - Shopping for Nicholas 

A few days later after shopping online for some toddler stuff. James's mum went to John Lewis and grabbed a mattress and some clothing for Nicholas. James's mum paid for all of the items, She walked into a Sainsbury and walked over to the baby aisle. 

"A few days ago we was shopping for James, Now you" James's mum said
"Yeah I know right" Nicholas Replied Blushing

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