Chapter. 25 Goodbye?

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1St December 1995

I finally finished packing my things. I'm heading back to California.My mom called me yesterday telling me that she's sick. She didnt tell me anything more. I need to go and see her. I reached to my phone and called my aunt. It rang a few times than she finally picked up. "Hi sweetie" she said in a weird tone. I'm shure she's been crying. "What happened?" I asked.

She sobbed into phone. "Please, tell me." I begged. "Your mom" she spoke. "What happend?" I asked. "She's gone" she sobbed. I dropped my phone. I was in shock. My mom gone forever...

Marshall run over to me. "Baby, what happened?" He asked worried. I dont say anything. "Baby answer me" He begs. "My mom...shes gone" I mumble. He hugs me and hold me tight.

He spent whole day conforting me. Now he is driving me to the airport. We funally arrived. He's staying with me until plane comes. "I'm gonna miss you so much" he spoke. "I'll come back" I answer him. "You promise?" He furrow hus eyebrows. "I promise" I place a soft kiss on his lips. He kisses me back.

After some time my plane arrived. Marshall followed me. "This is me" I spoke. He swallowed hard. "I guess" he spoke. My eyes begin to gloss. He pulls me in a big passionate kiss. I kiss him back. "Goodbye Marshall" I said. "Goodbye Ava" he spoke. God this is so hard. He walked away."Text me when you get there" he yells. "I will" I yell back.



I just got back from work. I walk into my apartment. I hear some noises coming from my bedroom. I quickly open the door. My heart broke into milion pieces. My boyfiend  Mike cheating on me wuth some slut. "Baby it's not what it looks like" he jups off of her."We are over dont try reaching for me"
I quickly packed my things and left

So you guys may be confused right now. Its 2000 now. I moved out from Detriot 5 years ago. Yeah its carzy how time flies. It feels like it was yesterday...

My boyfriend now ex boyfriend Mike and I met in 1999 in Dr.Dre's office. Yeah I became Dr.Dre's assistant. He was just my distraction not ot thing about Marshall but I really had feelings for Mike. Yup I still have feelings for Marshall.

Anyways me and Marshall are not togheter anymore. We broke up in 1997. I wasnt expecting it to be long because I'm in Cali and he's In Detroit. We decited to stay friends. We hear from eachother almost every day.

He is super famous now. He and Kim married 2years ago but they are divorcing because she cheated on him...twice.

Now I'm on my way to Detroit..I cant be in California now becuse Mike is gonna find me. He didnt know I was dating Marshall..

Anyways Kim and Marshall had a girl after I left. Her name is Hailie Jade. Marshall was really pissed becuse Kim didnt want Hailie to have his last name but he got over it.

Hot tears run down my face. How can he caheat on me? I had feelings for him but now I dont.

I finally arrived to Detroit. It was a bad idea driving from Cali to Detroit. I dont lnow where to go. I sold my house. I'mma text Marshall to see where he is.


From: Ava
To: Marshall♡︎

Heyy what's up?

Its been 20 minutes and he still hasent answred yet. Maybe I should go to motel or something. I snapped outta my toughts when I heard my phone ringing. It's Marshall.

"Hey" I say quietly. "Heyy, whats up?" Marshall asked in cheer tone. "Nothing much" I almost whisper.  "Is everything alright?" He asked me with a worry in his tone. "Yea" I sob. "Are you crying?" he asks. "No I'm not" I lie. "Fuck Ava, you are...Im booking a ticket to Cali right awa-" I cut him off. "Dont, Im in Detroit" I say

"When did ya came" he asked. "Like a hour ago" I say trying to cover sadness in my voice. "If you dont say what happened Imma fucking be under your bed" he says in serious tone. "Mike cheated on me and we broke up" I spit. "Oh I'm so sorry" Marshall say. "Dont be" I say clouldy.

"Look Im at my palce with Desaun, come over" he says. "I dont want ruin your mood with my crying" I say. "I insist" Marshall say. "Are you sure?" I ask. "Im now get yo ass here we are waiting for ya"

We said our byes and hung up. I drove to his place. I knocked on the door. "Get in" I hear Marshall yell. I got in.

I walked into living room. Marshall stood up and gave me a big tight hug and Proof as well. "I missed you" Marshall said. "I missed you too, both of you" I said

We were talking, joking around. To be honest I totally forgot about my break up. Im better single anyways. Tomorrorw Im going to see Sharonda, Proof's wife. I havent seen her and Stephanie in years. I miss them.

When Proof left me and Marshall were alone. "You tired?" He asked me. I nod. "Again Im sorry for you and Mike" he apolizes. "You dont need to be sorry, he's a cheating dick so he can go and fuck himself." I say. " you can sleep in my room or in guest room" he offered. "Ill sleep in guest room" I said. He nodded. He helped me out with my bags and I went straight to bed.

Goodbye California. Hello Michigan

Autors note:

It took me sooo long to update. Dont forget to vote and comend it realy means a lot to me. byee

Love: V❤️

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