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"Wake up, beautiful."

Haein stirred in her sleep, softly groaning as she squinted her eyes open and adjusted her sight to the bright sunlight that was seeping into the room.

Beomgyu smiled down at her, brushing the hair out of her face. He was in awe at how adorable she always looked. They had been married for nearly five years now and he was still just as crazy about her as he was over a decade ago in high school.

Haein smiled, coming out of her daze. "Morning."

Beomgyu leaned down, placing a soft kiss on her lips. "I let you sleep in as long as I could but we really got to get dressed soon."

Haein stretched her arms as she sat up in the bed, still keeping her eyes squinted. "Where's Hongjo?"

Beomgyu reached to the bedside table to grab the mug of tea he had made, handing it to Haein. She gratefully took it, smiling at her husband.

"Taehyun already picked her up and brought her to his place so she could play with Taehee." Beomgyu looked at Haein, his eyes warm. He admired the way the sunlight hit her eyes, making the golden in her hazel eyes look even more mesmerizing.

Hongjo was Beomgyu and Haein's four year old daughter who was best friends with Taehyun's five year old, Taehee

"Come on," Beomgyu hopped out of bed and walked over to the side Haein was on. He held out his hand for her to take.

She moved the blanket off herself, placing the mug down on the side table. "You know," she mumbled softly. "I can manage to get out of bed."

Beomgyu quirked an eyebrow, a grin playing on his lips. "Am I being smothering again?"

Haein scrunched her nose, giving him the most adorable cheeky look that made Beomgyu's heart melt as if he had just met her all over again. "I'm not complaining."

Beomgyu swung his arm around the back of her waist while holding her hand with his other hand, helping her get out of bed. "This little one is going to be a handful," Beomgyu mused, placing a hand on her stomach. "I can already tell."

Haein looked down at her massive stomach that looked like one big watermelon. She laughed, "If he turns out anything like you he'll have everyone swooning over him in a heartbeat."

"Swooning huh?" Beomgyu smirked. "I told you already, I'm sensing a girl."

"Well, we won't have to wait much longer. Taehyun's gender reveal party will break the mystery."

Beomgyu stopped, taking both her hands in his as he faced her. Haein's eyebrows furrowed, not sure what he was doing because they really did have to get ready for the party her brother was throwing them.

Beomgyu peered at her, his eyes dancing with pure love and admiration. "Kang Haein," he exhaled, a big smile on his face. "Have I told you how much I love you?"

Haein grinned, trying to fight the flustered feeling that yet again took over her sense. Somehow he never failed to stop getting her flustered even after all these years. She currently blamed it on her pregnancy hormones. "Hmm... maybe once or twice," she joked.

Beomgyu raised his hands to cup her face, taking a moment to digest the amazing girl he had in front of him before he leaned forward, kissing her lips ever so softly. "Mmm," he pulled back, a smile etched onto his face.

Beomgyu finally let her go to the bathroom so she could get ready for the party. Once she had come back into the room, Beomgyu was sliding his dress shoes on.

He turned to look her up and down, his eyebrow quirked. "You are beautiful."

Haein's whole body felt warm and fuzzy at his compliment. She never got over how lucky she always felt. "And you are handsome." She walked over to him, resting her hands on his chest. "I love you."

Beomgyu softly pecked her lips, lingering for a moment. "And I love you."

Haein turned to grab her purse. "Taehyun and Taerin will be calling any second if we don't head out now."


Just as Haein was about to head out of the bedroom, Beomgyu had taken hold of her hand and pulled her back. She gave him a questioning look, laughing softly. "What now? Am I forgetting something?"

Beomgyu shook his head, smiling warmly at her. He held out an envelope to her.

Her eyebrows pulled together as she looked at the envelope before looking at him again. "What is this?"

Beomgyu tilted his head to the side. "I... I don't know. I wrote it this morning when you were still asleep, I'm not sure why. It's just crazy how far we've come. From the parking lot of our high school all the way to baby number two on the way."

Haein blinked, giving him an odd look as she didn't quite understand what was going on.

"I'll go start up the car and make sure we have everything Taehyun told us to bring," he said to her, leaning forward to peck her cheek. He left the room, leaving her with the envelope.

Haein, curious, sat down on the end of the bed and carefully opened the letter.


Dear Haein,

Perhaps this has been a long time coming. It's not the first letter I've wrote you and it surely will not be the last.
I would write you a letter every single day just to remind you how much love I have for you. I look at you and still feel stunned, so lucky that I get to call you mine.
I sometimes realize how refreshing it is to feel so safe with you.
All I can say is that there is not a single other soul I would want to spend this lifetime with other than you and our beautiful daughter, Hongjo who is now going to be a big sister.
I love how you still can make me feel like a teenager in love for the first time, the same effect you had on me when I saw you across the hall in high school and wanted to know every thing about you. I wanted to hold you and protect you and now,
now I have the privilege of doing so.
Kang Haein, thank you for never giving up.
I will continue to try to give you the world in the palm of your hand for the rest of our beautiful life together.
You will always be my good luck charm.
The forest is bright and sunny again, the trees have blossomed with full leaves and the butterflies fly with their perfect wings.
-Yours only, Beomgyu


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