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Haein slowly sipped on her smoothie as she tried not to shift around in the booth, feeling very uncomfortable, anxious, and unsure right now.

"So," Beomgyu quirked an eyebrow, giving her a soft smile. "How was your first football game experience?"

Haein let out a small, shaky chuckle. "It was... good. Better than I thought it would be!"

"Good, I'm glad." Beomgyu sipped on his smoothie the same way Haein did, raising his eyebrows as he looked at her while sipping.

And let out a small chuckle before she went more serious. "Can I ask you something?" Her voice was quiet.

Beomgyu perked up, surprised to hear those words coming from her. "Of course, anything." Haein paused for a moment, "Why did you... want me to come? To the game and now here?" She avoided his gaze for a moment before looking at him, her eyes soft.

Beomgyu sighed, smiling slightly. He was starting to adore how sweet and gentle she was. "Well, I wanted you to have a good time and maybe get to know you better." Haein smiled a little smile but still couldn't understand how she got here or why Beomgyu was so interested in her. She was nobody, she was a no one, a loner, someone people thought was a freak or a nerd or a loser. So why on Earth would someone as charming and popular as Beomgyu want to spend his time with her, of all people.

Beomgyu could see the gears spinning in her head so he spoke again, "You're interesting, Kang Haein. You're nice to be around because you're just a calm, warm, and welcoming person. I don't think you see what a beautiful person you are."

Beomgyu meant his words. As much as he wasn't the type of person to say something like that, he wanted to make sure she knew everything he was thinking of her because he knew that she didn't see herself that way, he knew she could use the reassurance. He felt like she needed to hear all of those things so she could see that that was how he looked at her.

Haein didn't know how to hide the blush that took over all her features. She had a fuzzy feeling in the pit of her stomach, her heart beating erratically and whole body feeling warm.

She had no idea Beomgyu thought of her like that, she in-fact, had never heard anyone speak of her like that.

She exhaled shakily, "Nobodies... ever said something like that to me." She glanced down at the table, wanting to avoid his gaze because her shyness started to take over. "People don't see me like that. They see me as a nerd or a loser."

Beomgyu shook his head, "I wouldn't say you're either a nerd or a loser. A wallflower instead."

Haein looked at him again, surprised to hear him say that because that's what she thought of herself as well-a wallflower. "Is that bad?"

Beomgyu let out a breathy chuckle as he shook his head, "No, of course not. Sometimes... being on the sidelines is better than being in the middle of everything."

"Why do you say that?" She spoke slowly and softly, tilting her head. Beomgyu was a popular guy so she was confused why he would think that when he had so much attention, so much love and praise from everyone, so many friends.

Beomgyu shrugged, sipping on his smoothie. "Well, when you're in the middle standing where everyone else is, you learn that a lot of people aren't really the way they portray themselves. There's so many double faces, so much competition and standards and expectations. A lot of people are selfish."

Haein nodded slowly because she understood. She knew what people in her school were like-exactly the way Beomgyu just described which was one of the reasons why she preferred to keep to herself.

Beomgyu cleared his throat, "Tell me about yourself."

Haein was taken aback, still surprised that he actually did want to get to know her. "Like what?"

Beomgyu shrugged, grinning a little. "Anything. What's your favourite movie?"

"I prefer books," Haein mumbled, feeling pathetic but being honest.

"The books are better than the movie versions, anyways," Beomgyu chuckled causing Haein to perk up, not thinking he would think the same as her.

"What's yours?" She then asked, leaning back against the booth, feeling a little more comfortable now.

Beomgyu thought for a moment, "Anything sci-fi, really. Planet of the Apes, E.T., even the original Frankenstein." He grinned like a little kid.

Haein couldn't help but chuckle which only made Beomgyu smile even wider. "What?" He whined, rolling his eyes playfully, "I told you I'm a science geek."

Haein grinned, "Those movies creep me out. Imagine the numerous ways the world could end because of mad scientists creating some weird creatures."

Beomgyu laughed, "That's one way to look at it but it's so cool! It's just interesting because when you watch those movies, you start to see how possible it is for all those crazy things to exist orhappen."

Haein shrugged, grinning still. "It's not interesting, it's scary."

"I guess I'm going to have to make you watch all them and change your mind," one side of his lip twitched upwards in a grin.

Haein smiled, her whole body feeling fuzzy because she never pictured herself sitting in a booth, drinking smoothies with Choi Beomgyu. Hearing him say he's going to make her watch those movies meant that he must want to hang out with her again, which was a new and odd but still happy feeling for Haein.

"Okay, what about music?" Beomgyu asked, leaning forward. "What do you listen to?" Haein puckered out her lips in thought, Beomgyu smiling at the cute sight. "Anything... chill. Khalid, Post Malone, Billie, Roy Woods." She looked at him worriedly, continuously getting anxious with the thought that he might find her weird.

But the more Beomgyu was learning about her, the more he was growing to adore her.

Beomgyu cracked a smile, "Looks like we have something in common. I'll get over you finding sci-fi movies creepy since we have the same music ."

Haein raised her eyebrows, "Jinja?"(really)

He shrugged, "Yeah. Soobin hyung and I went to a Post Malone concert last year."

"That must've been fun."

"It was. What about family?" Beomgyu asked, giving her a warm look.

Haein's mouth went agape, not knowing how to react. She hesitated. She didn't open up to anyone, tell anyone about anything expect her brother and two best friends. As much as she was starting to grow fond of Beomgyu and like his company, she wasn't ready to spill the more deep and personal things.

Beomgyu quickly shook his head when he saw her hesitate, "You know what, never mind. Too soon."

Haein sighed, staring down at the table as her cheeks flushed. "Sorry... just-"

"Don't apologize," Beomgyu cut her off, giving her a reassuring smile. He reached his hand forward and placed it on hers causing her whole body to jolt with electricity. "I's fine, I get it. I don't talk about my family a lot either."

Haein nodded, glad that he was so understanding which only made her want to be around him more.

"Please tell me you don't hate sushi though, because that's my favourite food."

Haein let out a small laugh, shaking her head softly as she felt relaxed again. "Lucky for you, I don't hate it."

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