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"I cannot believe my eyes," Dani mused, grinning. "You're actually here."

There was a cool prick in the wind as Haein made her way up the crowded bleachers and found her friends. Dani threw herself at Haein, the two nearly toppling over as they hugged.

"It's not the big a deal," Haein mumbled sheepishly, taking a seat between her friends.

While she knew it was unlike her to show up to a football game, of all things, she hadn't expected this much shock from her friends.

She inhaled the crisp wind, glancing around to see what all the commotion was about. It really was a rush. The crowd was loud and ecstatic, waiting in anticipation for the game to start. Students decked out in school colours, some with face paint to show their spirit. The wafting smell of over-greasy food encompassed the atmosphere.

Haein didn't know what she was doing here, or how she came to be sitting on these bleachers. She had always opted out of school events. But something about Beomgyu asking her to come gave her an odd sense of importance like her presence at this game somehow mattered. After the kindness he had been showing her, she would've felt bad for not showing up.

"It totally is a big deal!" Dani threw an arm around Haein, laughing. "I'm so glad you're here, really. What made you decide to come?"

Haein exhaled a slow breath, looking out at the field. Coaches hollering and the boys on the team chanting, crowded in circles speaking to one other. Her eyes skimmed the bodies, trying to spot a particular brunette. "I thought it could be fun," she shrugged. "A change." Kai quirked an eyebrow, nudging her arm. "I must admit, I'm liking this new side of you, Haein-bell." He turned and grinned at Dani, "Our little one is breaking out of her shell." Haein rolled her eyes. "Oh, stop it."

Finally, her eyes landed on Beomgyu. Decked out in his football gear, talking amongst some other guys on the team including Taehyun. The back of his jersey read "CHOI" with the number 03 underneath in large and bold font. She found herself smiling at the sight of him.

Throughout the game, Haein found herself having a better time than she expected. She listened to Kai explaining how the game works, she laughed alongside Dani every time Kai would holler at the other team getting a touchdown. She didn't cheer much, but she would be on the edge of her seat and clap ecstatically every time Taehyun or Beomgyu would be running with the football.

When it was haltime and the boys ran to the side of the field to have a pep-talk and drink some water, Beomgyu glanced up to the bleachers as he took off his helmet. He starting scanning the rows, looking for a familiar face.

He exhaled, a sideways smile growing on his face when his eyes landed on Haein. He was hoping she would show up but didn't think she actually would.

Haein's eyes met his. She returned a warm smile before looking down at her lap as a blush crept onto her face.

After the game, Haein and her friends happily walked towards Kai's car in the parking lot.

Since Taehyun was hanging out with some friends after the game, Kai was giving Haein a ride back home.

They were all laughing something stupid Kai had said when Haein's name was called.

"Haein-ah! Wait up!"

Haein and her friends turned to see Beomgyu jogging up to them, still wearing his football gear and holding the helmet in his hands.

"What?" Kai and Dani were both confused to see Beomgyu, wondering what all of this was about.

Haein's heart started pounding. She was not expecting to speak to Beomgyu tonight despite the fact that he's the one who told her to come.

She slowly walked a few feet away from her friends to see what Beomgyu wanted.

Beomgyu was breathing a little heavily as he came to a stop in front of her. He took a second to catch his breath before a smile grew on his lips, "You came."

Haein blinked. She didn't know how to react to the fact that he had just run all the way out to the parking lot to see her.

She smiled a little, "I did. You were right, it was fun." She paused for a moment, "You played good."

"You caught a good game. We won which means you just might be my lucky charm," Beomgyu chuckled, running a hand through his sweaty hair to push it away from his forehead.

Haein was thankful it was dark out so he wouldn't notice the blush that was flooding her whole face. She ignored the warm feeling in her chest, knowing Beomgyu didn't mean anything when he said that.

"What are you doing here?" She instead asked, her voice hesitant. "Aren't you all going out to celebrate?" She couldn't help but remain being confused why he was here talking to her.

Kai and Dani were watching with utterly confused looks on their faces, having no idea that Beomgyu and Haein were friends.

Beomgyu shrugged softly, "The guys will probably end up drinking or going to a party. I was actually... wondering if you wanted to grab some smoothies or something?" He raised his eyebrows, a little worried that she would say no.

A surprised look took over Haein's features. Why would Beomgyu want to go out with me instead of with the rest of the team? She felt speechless.

"Yes, she will." Dani answered for her, as she came up beside Haein and grinned brightly.

Haein's eyes went wide as she looked at her, "What?"

"Great," Beomgyu grinned a toothy grin.

Haein's mouth was left slightly agape. She didn't even know what to say.

Dani grinned at Beomgyu, "She loves smoothies. How could she pass?"

Beomgyu chuckled before looking at Haein with an eyebrow quirked as if asking her if this was okay.

Haein couldn't respond. She was frozen and confused and shocked. She didn't even know how to process any of this.

Why was Beomgyu wanting to hang out with me? Why the hell did Dani say yes?

When Haein didn't say anything, Beomgyu exhaled, "Meet me out here in ten? I should probably go take a quick shower and change so you're not stuck sitting across from a sweaty and muddy mess." Beomgyu shot her one last grin before jogging off, back inside the school to get changed.

Haein turned to look at Dani with wide eyes, a frantic expression on her face. "What was that for?!" Haein couldn't even process how any of this was happening.

Dani rolled her eyes but grinned, "He was the one who got you to come to the game, right?" Haein never told her that but Dani connected the dots and figured it out. "Plus, it's obvious he likes spending time with you. Give him a chance, break out of your shell a bit more."

Kai sighed as he walked over to them, "Dani isn't wrong. He doesn't seem... all that bad."

Haein frowned, suddenly being filled with panic and anxiety. "But...I'm not-I mean, we're so unlike and he's-I mean he's the star football player and I'm just... me! This isn't going to end well, oh my God why am I having a panic attack already? This is a bad idea. I should just go home before he sees how much of a freak I am. I do-"

Haein was now pacing back and forth, fiddling with her fingers anxiously.

Kai cut her off when he grabbed her, placing his hands on both her shoulders and getting her to stop.

She looked at him frantically.

Kai sighed, "Look, I don't know if I trust him and I do want to tell you to be careful but... he's done nothing wrong. I think you should give it a chance, try to be friends with him. He's been nice to you, right?"

Haein inhaled deeply through her noes, trying to calm her nerves. "He has."

Kai tilted his head, "Good, then if you're up for it, go get those smoothies. If anything happens, if you want to leave just call me and I'll be there in five to pick you up."

She nodded slowly, calming down more. "Okay."

"Okay," Kai gave her a soft smile. "You'll be fine."

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