chapter 24 - whisky doesn't count

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Two hours later dabi had gotten through eight glasses of whiskey and two bottles of beer. Saying he wasn't sober was an understatement. He sat there giggling at lots of little things that people did. And as he got to leave with everyone else he toppled a little.

"You thought getting wasted was the best way out of this, didn't you?" Shiggy said through the hand on his face.

"Not my fault you're all boring as fuck." Dabi replied unconscious of his actions.

"Rude." Toga shouted.

"Just get me the hell out of here. I wanna see Hawks." Dabi exclaimed dragging himself to Kurogiri. 

"Okay but be quiet. You were really loud last night." Shigiraki said nodding to Kurogiri to take them back.

As soon as Dabi got in he stumbled to his room and went straight to Hawks, who was sat on the bed cross-legged. Dabi sat on hawks lap, facing him, and wrapping his legs around the bird. he then kissed him over and over.

"Woah, calm down. Do I get a hello." Hawks asked caught off guard.

"Piss off" Dabi said continuing to kiss him.

"Are you drunk?" Hawks questioned through kisses.

Instead of answering, Dabi pinned Hawks to the bed and tried to take Hawks shirt off but Hawks resisted.

"Babe just stop for a second. You are clearly drunk. now, have you eaten today?" Hawks asked trying to get Dabi off of him.

"If whiskey counts, then yea." Dabi replied grabbing Hawks waist.

"Whiskey does not count" Hawks responded pushing Dabi off of him.

"Oh come on baby bird. Don't do this to me." Dabi said reaching for Hawks' legs.

"When was the last time you ate?" Hawks asked sitting up.

"I don't remember. Come on relax a bit. Lemme get in your pants, you sexy bird man." Dabi answered clearly drunk.

"Eat something then you can." Hawks replied disappointed with Dabi.

"Lets skip that part, eh?" Dabi responded 

"No! I am not having you starve yourself. Go to the kitchen and grab a pack of crisps or something. Then come back here and eat it." Hawks exclaimed, pointing to the door.

"Yea. Fine. I will be back." Dabi replied as he got up and headed to the kitchen.

note: sorry i keep forgetting to post lmao. anyway i am off sick from school so enjoy this beautiful chapter and prepare yourself for the next one. goodbye my little beans.

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