chapter 9- new clothes

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Hawks was sleeping peacefully, when he suddenly got woken up by a plastic bag being chucked as his face.

"Morning sleepy bird. What happened to trying to get along with shiggy?" Dabi said as he took his shoes off.

"Ugh. Its a long story." Hawks replied.

"Mhm. And you decided to go to bed." he asked

"No. I went to shiggy. He teased me. I went to toga. She teased me and then i went to bed" Hawks responded.

"Whatever dip shit. Try some of your new clothes on." Dabi said as Hawks headed to the bathroom. "Y'know you can change in here. I have seen you naked."

"Not after last time barbecue boy" he resonded as he walked in to the bathroom.

Five minutes later hawks walked out in one of his new tops and a pair of jeans.

"Yea, it all fits well. Thank you." Hawks announced walking out of the bath room.

"Awesome." Dabi replied before he said "so are we like together or are we like friends with benefits?"

"I don't know. I mean if you don't wanna be together we can be friends with..." hawks replied before being interrupted.

"No, no, no, i wanna be together i just wanted to check with you first. That's all." Dabi answered quickly.

"Well it's settled then. Boyfriend and boyfriend." Hawks said as he smiled.

Dabi loved his smile. He could fall for ever into Hawks' smile. And his eyes. His beautiful yellow eyes. And his amazing blond hair which was soft and framed his face perfectly. And his big strong wings. His big, strong, red wings. They were warm and soft and elegant and strong and...

He was snapped out of his day dream by hawks.

note: anddd imma leave you with a cliffhanger. your welcome. hope your enjoying it so far. feel free to correct me on any and all SPaG mistakes. bye!! 😊

they were just friends - dabihawks nsfw storyWhere stories live. Discover now