chapter 11- getting drunk in the bath

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quick recap: "Errr. I was wondering if i could get in with you?" Dabi asked, nervous that Hawks would say no.

"Give me ten minutes to wash and any type of alcohol then we are good to go." Hawks replied smiling.

Dabi ran off. He grabbed a bottle grabbed a bottle of Jack Daniel's. Then sat on his bed and when exactly ten minutes had passed he ran to the bath room...

Now for the actual story:

When Dabi approached the door he knocked on it and said "Can i come in now?"

"Yup" Hawks replied quickly.

Dabi walk in to find hawks sat criss-cross-apple-sauce with his wing tucked neatly by his sides. His hair framed his face in the perfect way even when it was wet. He looked so hot it was ridiculous. The bottle of Jack Daniel's almost slipped from his hand.

"What are you waiting for" Hawks asked watching as Dabi just stood there staring for a good second.

He snapped out of it and quickly put the bottle on the floor and took all of his clothes off. He then jumped into the bath and sat across from hawks. He then opened the bottle of Jack Daniel's and took a swig. He passed it to Hawks who did the same thing.

"Why exactly do we need the alcohol?" Dabi asked, unsure. 

"Just feel like gettting drunk. Haven't gotten drunk in a while with hero work in the way and shit." Hawks answered.

"Oh. Fair enough." Dabi replied.

The real reason he wanted to get drunk was because he knew that if he got drunk Dabi would get twice as drunk and he could get him back for last night.

Dabi took another large drink from the bottle and handed it over to Hawks who took a smaller sip. Dabi then turned around and went for cuddles with Hawks. Perfect Hawks thought.

Dabi slowly got even more drunk. a lot more drunk then Hawks. when Dabi gets drunk he tends to keep the drinks to himself and doesn't usually share the drinks out very well so he got drunk a lot quicker.

"While I was missing from your miserable little life, did you fall in love whit any one else?" Dabi asked in an extremely tipsy state.

"Well, I have had sex with others but never fallen in love, what about you babe." he said clearly still sober enough to communicate properly.

"Ha I was like the biggest sex machine in town. All one night stands and never fell in love with one but i have learned couple things through out my journey." He said rambling off topic.

After about half an hour, the bottle of Jack Daniel's was empty and they decided to get out of the bath. They soon found Dabi couldn't stand properly. This was his chance...

note: OMG another cliffhanger. You guys better not come at me for this. Anyway, your welcome. Igave it too you a little early (my friend was begging me too(your welcome Ed)) Thank you from reading this. byeeeee.

p.s. chapter 18 has some serous smut because you guys asked for it so yea.

p.s.s my name is rowan btw

they were just friends - dabihawks nsfw storyOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora