l. picking fights

Start from the beginning

"Why not?"

"He hasn't talked to me since Greece." She sighed and massaged her temples, "I've tried to, trust me. But, each time he's avoided me."

"Just sucker punch him in the face." They all turned around to face an Indian girl, "Sorry, I overheard."

Rowan smiled slightly, "It's alright." She patted the seat next to M'gann at the end of the bench, "Sit." Topaz did as told and sat down, "So, Topaz—"

"Andie. Andie Patel."

M'gann smiled brightly, "You're name is beautiful!"


"Don't forget about me!" They all felt a slight tingle run up their bones from electricity, "Rocco Bianchi at your service." Flicker gave them all a flirtatious smile, "Especially you, Andie."

The said girl rolled her eyes, "I'm into girls, you twat."

Rowan gave the girl a high-five, causing everyone to chuckle except for the boy.

Flicker groaned and sat at the brunette's feet in the dirt, "I'll never find love."

"You have an Italian accent, living in America, Flick. All you gotta do is talk and everyone will flock to you."

"Really?" He turned toward the girl with puppy dog eyes, "Let me test it out." They all watched as he bumped into a pretty blonde and he just apologized, causing the girl to pause and then begin to flirt with him.

"Damn," Artemis complimented, "If only I was Italian."

"Why would you wanna be Italian?" Wally and Thor apparently got off the ride. The redhead stayed standing in front of his girlfriend, while Thor took Rocco's place at her feet.

The blonde cleared her throat and looked surprised, "Uhm, they have good food?"

Wally immediately nodded, "They do, don't they." He did the same as Thor as he sat at the blonde's feet, "Their accents are also great for flirting in the U.S."

This earned him a smack on the back of the head.

It was now late at night at the fair, almost everyone had gone home except some teenagers. Thor went on a few more rides with Wally, until Artemis eventually made him go home with her. M'gann had left to go find Superboy and talk stuff out, while Andie found a nice girl to take home. So, now it was just Thor and Rowan who sat on a bench as he ate cotton candy, his head laying on the girl's lap.

Rowan's hands wove into his hair, "You had fun today?"

Thor nodded, "I like Earth. It's way better than Olympus."

His words put a bad taste in her mouth. He was correct in every way possible. She never got tortured, never had to be paranoid, and never was scared that Thor was going to die at every waking second.

But, she was paranoid. In Olympus, Rowan knew what to expect. She knew there was going to be torture, she knew she could die during fights. There was no change in her life. But, Earth was a huge one.

She watched as his eyes slowly drooped, "You tired?"


As she was about to suggest they go home, a body sat next to her on the bench. Rowan immediately touched her dagger but relaxed once she saw who it was. The girl looked down at Thor to see him asleep already.

The man next to her handed her a drink, "Sorry I couldn't make it today."

Rowan stayed silent and just stared at the side of his face, "I thought you were ignoring me."

"I was jealous." The words hung in the air for a little, "I didn't for a single second think that you found someone else there, so once I learned that you did. It came as a shocker."

She stayed quiet, not knowing what to say next, until a question popped into her mind, "Did you?"

"Did I what?" He finally faced her and they met eyes. Once again, she compared the two men that she lost in her life.

Nemesis had captivating eyes that felt like you were burning to the ground. As if you were a piece of paper burning in a house fire. You were practically insignificant, but the fire took its time with you until the fire scorched your very being.

Dick had blue eyes like the ocean. It felt like you were drowning with every stare and your breath was taken away each time. But, it was cold and no ashes were being shoved down her throat. Just cool, refreshing water.

Nemesis was supposed to be her downfall.
Dick is her salvation.

"Did you get with any other girls?"

He hesitated, "Yes." She nodded and smiled slightly at the boy.

"You shouldn't feel nervous around me," Rowan breathed in deeply, "I don't want you to anyway."

"Why not?" He tilted his head, "Don't you want me to? Don't you have a reputation?"

Rowan sighed, "Why do you always pick fights?" They both stared at each other, not knowing what the other was thinking until Dick finally glanced away. The girl was tired of not having any answers, so she gently grabbed his chin, making him meet eyes with her once again, "I care for you, I do. But, you have to stop with this nonsense."

Dick lightly grabbed her hand off his chin and held it in his own. He's been touched by plenty of girls after Rowan, even if he was only eighteen. It was a way to distract himself and it worked for the most part. But, every touch of another, never compared to Rowan's.

Her touch felt like home.

"I'm scared."

Rowan gulped and squeezed his hand with hers, "Why?"

Dick's blue eyes softened, "That you'll leave again."

The girl stayed silent for a little, "I won't."

"I don't believe you."

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