Chapter 32 | Breaking News

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Warning : there will be mention of torture in this chapter.

The ex soldier almost gasp for air when the doors finally open with a ding, squeezing in between the bodies in front of her to be the first one out, hiding her discomfort behind a fake excited smirk. She only take a few steps before pausing to close her eyes, and softly releasing the breath she didn't know she was holding, fooling the others into thinking she's taking in the dark open space in front of them. Now looking around she understand how big of a mistake this is. First she didn't know what she was walking into, second she didn't check her surrounding, and third she didn't move with her teammates. Rookie.

It takes a bit more time for the others to join her, not really sure of what to do since the room is pitch black, but they still have the decency in all this madness of a day, and weirdness of a place to check a bit around them.

Slowly but surely they finally start walking towards the brunette, the doors closing behind them, Raven suddenly feeling trap, even though they can just type in the code once again and the doors would open.

Quietly, the trio walk together, sinking deeper and deeper into the darkness, a few small lights coming from strange devices glowing on their sides. Finally, after walking a few steps, lights start turning on gradually, probably due to a motion sensor, illuminating what seems to be ancient technology of databanks. Literally, old tapes in those weird discs like things. Best example to describe them would be saying it looks like what they used for the first movies.

Raven look around the room, lights illuminating all the way on the sides pretty far, with the same sort of equipment of databanks, but a big portion still in the dark.

In front of them, a big set up of multiple computers, switches and buttons, stand proudly in the middle of the room, surely controlling everything in this place, and maybe even outside. Raven's inner child of course, is screaming at her to push all the buttons and flick all the switches on.    

The questions nagging Raven's brain is the fact that this stupid USB led them here, but the coding was impeccable, and the thing kept rewriting itself like an AI was protecting it. It's impossible for the data to be from here, this technology is way too old. Maybe not as old as Steve but still, too old for the data to be this efficient. It seems Natasha has the same conclusion, looking around the room then at the computers, with a confused face. "This can't be the data point. This technology is ancient." She even look at the super soldier with her teasing smirk probably implying it's even older than him, though that would be incorrect, since the first computer was created during World War II, and even if this is pretty old technology, it was not as sophisticated as that.

Looking at the desk a bit closer, Raven immediately spots a strange sort of black box with USB sockets, strangely resembling SHIELD's USB adapters. "Nat." The redhead turn her head expectantly, looking at Raven's gaze fixed on the desk and follow her eyesight towards the flash drive port. Natasha take out the flash drive from her pocket, apparently she managed to snatch it from Steve's pocket earlier, contemplating for a second if she should plug it in or not.

Of course it's a big risk and no one is really sure of what's to come. If they plug it in, SHIELD will know where they are and would be here in no time. The Russian turn to look at her partners for assistance, after all, it's a group decision.

Raven nod her head in confirmation, even if it's risky, they need to know what is on that flash drive, why is it so important, that Nick Fury payed the price with his life. They have no other options here.

With a sigh Natasha plug the drive in, a small beep sounding strangely loud in the silence, before everything starts moving. As if, the room is slowly waking up. The tapes started moving, a buzzing wiring sound with even more lights flickering on happened all over the room. All three of them turning around in their spot to take a look at the place waking up. A bit of cloudy dust coming out of ventilation systems, on the electric panels.

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