Chapter 28 | Open wounds

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Raven and Natasha both spring out of their seats, the ex soldier slamming a 100 $ bill on the counter, while the Russian pick up the phone, having a rush conversation with Fury's second in command. They get in the street in a rush, almost hitting a few people, getting a few annoyed looks. Natasha open her car's front door as soon as they reach it, before a hand grab her shoulder, stopping her movements. The spy whip around, facing the ex mercenary with a death glare.

"Raven let go." Her voice is demanding and on a low tone, clearly anyone would've listen to her warning, probably shitting their pants while so, but the ex soldier doesn't move an inch. "I can't let you drive like this. You're not yourself."

"I said, move." Her sentence came out as a growl, almost convincing Raven to let her go. "And I said no. Let me drive." Seeing the determination in her eyes and that she didn't move on the second warning, Natasha let out a defeated sigh, knowing Raven is right and she should not drive like this. She hand her the keys before running to the passenger side, while Raven take a seat on the driver side. 

Raven doesn't waste any time before bringing the engines to life as soon as they're buckled in, her foot pressing on the gas pedal and never leaving it. "Which hospital ?" The ex racer is already gripping onto the wheel tightly, her eyes darting everywhere, avoiding cars and dodging a few obstacles here and there.

"Suburban Hospital, Bethesda."

Raven doesn't wait and take all the shortcut possible, knowing she will make this usually 30 minute ride into a 10 minutes ride. "Bring me the bill for speeding tickets and red lights for this one."

Hearing this Natasha doesn't hesitate to grab onto the handle, knowing it will be a very dangerous and close call ride.

And it was. During those 10 minutes, Raven was back at being a racer. Waving in and out of traffic at some very dangerous speed, drifting in the middle of intersections right when the lights would turn red leaving a few tire marks on the road. Of course she got honked at, screamed at. Maybe almost shot at from a few idiots taking guns privilege a little bit too seriously. But, she managed to get to the hospital in 10 minutes, instead of 30. The redhead though, felt like it was taking an eternity, she could feel Raven's concern gaze on the side of her face, her hazel eyes darting between the road and her. But Natasha's emerald eyes stayed glued on the dashboard, her hand gripping tightly onto the handle but not out of fear from Raven's driving, but from anger and helplessness.

Fury was there for the redhead, he and Barton gave her a second chance when no one else would. Gave her a purpose, a place in the world when she didn't believe she had one.

"Tell me something to distract me before I crush the handle, or shoot something." Natasha ask through gritted teeth. Raven blink her eyes rapidly, completely taken aback, her mind so focused on driving she didn't expect any sound coming out of her mouth. "Huh... There is an old saying, I don't remember where I heard it, but, it's based on protecting your comrades and respect them. 'If they stand behind you, protect them. If they stand beside you, respect them. If they stand against you, show no mercy.' I'm sorry that's all I can think of right now."

The Russian doesn't answer back, but no guns were fired and the handle didn't get crushed so clearly it worked. Though Raven still try to think of something else to say, just to be sure and with a quiet voice share something she wanted to say for a few weeks now but didn't know how. "I think my sister's pregnant again." Unfortunately the news doesn't seem to get any reaction so Raven focus back on driving.

Natasha barely wait for the car to be parked before bolting out of the door, dashing towards the entrance. Ambulances, Police cars and SHIELD vehicles are scattered all around, the blue and red lights illuminating everything around.

How it really begun | Natasha Romanoffजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें