Chapter 13 | Probation

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The next day Raven wake up at 5:00 am like always, and wait for the guards or whoever is suppose to come get her this morning. At 6:00 am the door open revealing agent Romanoff, with an ankle tag in hand.

"Don't try and kick me in the face or I'll make sure you stay here." Natasha says in an emotionless tone.

"Wow, if you want to keep me here you must love me." Raven reply in a sarcastic tone.

After the tag is secure around her ankle, Natasha gets up and grab Ravens arm, leading her out of the room. "Love is for children."

"Well, then I'm a child." Raven respond in a sing song voice

No answers comes from the spy, so Raven just let her guide her to the exit of the building, where agent Hill wait for her a bag in hand.

"Why the face agent Hill ? You're gonna miss me ?" she ask in a playful manner. However the agent seems unfazed.

"Here are your clothes with your ID card for when you need to present yourself here. Just show it to the agent at the front, he will scan it and you will be able to go. Remember, once a week."

"Yeah yeah I heard the terms, I was there when you listed them. Can I go now ?"

No answers follow up, Hill just hand her the bag that Raven grab and slid on her back. She walk to get out of sight and this place, but just before she's out of range she shouts "Remember my promise Black Widow !"

Maria turn to Natasha with raised eyebrows in a questioning look. "What did she promised you now ?" Natasha just shrug it off "She just said she'll forgive me one day, but if she sees me before that, she'll kill me." "Huh, how charming, at least she warned you." They both look back at Raven and just before she turns a corner, the Racer holds up her middle finger knowing she's watched.

-Time skip-

It's been two weeks since Raven left SHIELD headquarters. She followed the things she had to do, so she got back twice by now, showing the ID card to the agent at the front, then walked back straight to her apartment. Those were the only reason she left her place. She didn't even go to get groceries, she barely eat anything, but soon she's gonna have to go to the store and get more liquor. She's almost out of all the alcohol she had in her home.

Dragging herself out of bed, she hide the bottle in a paper bag and get out of the apartment to go in search of vodka or strong shit like that. As soon as her feet are on the sidewalk, even with all the alcohol in her blood she feels watched. From who or where in the street, she doesn't know.

She gets a lot of intense stares, disgusted faces, all judging her. She manage to get in the store, even if she had a little trouble finding the handle on the door, missing it a couple of times and find the liquor aisle. Looking for vodka she find a lot of different brand, not sure which on to take she just grabs a bottle and open it, taste it and put it back with a disgusted face. She try another one, repeating the process, but keeping this one and five more bottles.

Raven get to the cashier and drop everything she has in hands in front of him, minus her own bottle.

"Russian lunch ?" He ask with a little smile.

"You ca-could saw-say that, yep." Raven slurred

The guy laugh a bit before asking her the money. She just throw a couple of twenty dollar bills on the counter, grab her bottle and leave. She get out and head back to her apartment stumbling in the staircase.

With slight difficulty she open her door, and stop any movement for a second, looking at her place. Two weeks ago things were fine, she had the boys, she wasn't watched, tracked.

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