Chapter 16 | Gods and Problems

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The flight to Germany felt like an eternity, when in reality it didn't take that long. Raven spent the journey sharpening her knives, checking her guns, ammos, trying to find something to do to keep her mind from exploding. It's the first time she's really back in the field in a long time, and it's been even longer since she worked with someone. 

"Two minutes out !" the pilot shout, bringing Raven back to reality. Both her and Rogers get up, and make their way to the front of the jet. When Raven see what's going on with the people on the ground, and the mad god terrorizing them, she doesn't think twice.

"Lower the jet and put me on the ground, Cap I think you should wait for the right moment to show up. As soon as your down, grab his attention, I'll come up behind him." She says, her plan running through her head, as she's thinking of all the outcome of it.

"How do you know which one is him ? There's four of him ?" Rogers ask not even bothered by the woman sharing her plan, and telling him what he should do.

Just when she's about to answer, Loki is giving his speech, walking in the mass of kneeling people.

"There he is." She point. The jet lower just enough for her to jump from it without braking her bones.

She circle the place, trying not to draw too much attention on herself and manage to hide, the god facing opposite of her. Raven listen to the rest of his speech, scoffing when she hears him say they were made to be rule and they will always kneel.

"Yeah I don't think so asshole." She mutters to herself. "The fuck is he doing ?" Raven ask herself quietly when she sees an old man standing up, facing Loki.

"Not to men like you" The old man answer to Loki's last sentence. His response seems to amuse the god who chuckle darkly. "There are no men like me."

The old man slightly shake his head contradicting the black hair god. "There are always men like you."

And on this one, Raven can only agree to his words. There will always be someone who wants to dominate the others, someone who think he's on top of the world and nothing can stop him. Loki's next words bring back her attention to him, her right hand going to her gun, slowly taking it out, waiting for his next move.

"Look to your elder, people. Let him be an example." He says pointing his... glowing spear  to the man. Just when he fires a blue energy shot, Raven get out of her spot pointing her gun to him ready to shoot, and Captain America make his dramatic entrance, saving the man last second with his shield, blasting Loki to the ground with his own shot.

"You know, the last time I was in Germany, and saw a men standing above everybody else, we ended up disagreeing." Rogers claim

Raven can't help the small smile on her lips, when she hears his words, and see people starting to stand at the sight of Captain America, the freedom figure.

"The soldier. The man out of time." Loki says laughing darkly and standing up.

"I don't think he's the one out of time here !" Raven state loudly making her presence known. Just when she finish her sentence, the quinjet appear in the air, a machine gun out and Natasha's voice echoing through the speakers. "Loki, drop your weapon and stand down !"

It could've been impressive, if there wasn't so much people around, and Raven knew the quinjet could not fire until the place is cleared.

Quickly, Loki fire a blast towards the jet, but Natasha manage to dodge it. Rogers take this opportunity to throw his shield at Loki, and Raven fire her gun at the god, not missing a single shot, but quickly understand it's not bothering him a second, nor doing anything to him. She take out her sword, and run to help the super soldier take down the god.

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