Chapter 1

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Raven's POV

I'm driving down the streets to the club, music on my speaker listening John McCrea "I wanna be you're dog", and even though it's pass midnight a lot of people are still in the streets. As I pass on with my American muscle 1975, heads turn in my direction, it's like I can hear people thoughts some being impress, others insulting me, but I don't freaking care because I grew up with people always telling me not to give a shit about what the others think.

I pull in the underground parking lot which is just across the street from the club I'm heading to, I make sure my doors are close, I grab my duffel bag and get to the main door. People are waiting in line waiting for their turn, I get a lot of death stares as I just walk pass them giving the bouncer a High five and just get in.

I hate clubs, everyone's drunk, high, I always feel like the music's gonna blow my head up and that's why, I'm just getting through the crowd, guiding myself where two guards are standing in front of a door. They don't even ask questions when I arrive in front of them, they just open the door for me as usual but this time, something's off. I can feel like I'm being watched but of course as I turn my head a little the feeling just disappears, so I just go on and walk in a secret underground Gym, with a huge crowd of rich people gathering around a Boxing cage cheering up as two people are fighting each other, now I feel good, this is my time, my world, my fight.

Gary, the owner of the Club and Gym, make his way to me, looking pissed off,  he grabs my wrist tight and leads me to the locker room.

"You're late, you're lucky I still let you fight tonight !"

"Come on Gary, we both know you can't cancel my fights, they're your biggest money making. So shut the fuck up and let me change please." I look at him in the eyes smirking a little

Gary held his finger up pointing it at my face "You better be the best tonight, I have a tone of money on this one so better not screw things up. And hurry up, you're on in five minutes."

I don't respond and just keep on undressing myself to change into short, bra and a thine t-shirt to cover up my scars, wrapping my wrists in bandages to hold them steady. Gary's still here making sure I hurry up.

"Make sure your guys bring me ice packs after that, the last time it cost you money because I had none after the fight and had to cancel the rest of them."

"Don't make me remember, one of my biggest client was supposed to be there, and was pissed off when I called him to announce that it was not necessary for him to come since you could not fight."

"Wasn't my fault on this one." I say with a shrug

Gary's about to say something but one of his guy storm in the room whispering something in his ear. They both nod and Gary looks at me, he doesn't have to say the words, I just walk past him and head to the cheering crowd then climb in the ring.

I'm warming up waiting for my opponent when the same feeling I had earlier, about being watched takes over me again. I scan the crowd looking for anything different than usual, but nothing comes up so I just let it go and continues to warm up.

I know my opponent is coming when all the people start screaming so I just turn around. Like always, a guy, 6,39 ft, 264 lbs and an ugly face. The mountain climbs on the ring, looks down at me and burst into a loud laugh. I'm not moving, looking straight at him  visualizing his weak spots and waiting for the bell to ring.

The bell ring, my opponent charge, I wait until he throws his first punch, then I duck, get up fast, lock my arms around his neck and kick him multiple times right in the stomach. I walk away when he's about to fight back and kick with my left tibia behind his knees, causing him to fall on his back. I let him get up again and start back right after throwing myself in the air doing a back-flip with my right leg stretch out so that my foot hit his face. He gets back a little, trying to get his thoughts together and not lose his balance.

I just walk a bit waiting for him to charge, catching my breath a little, looking at the crowd then back to the mountain, I can see his feeling get the better of him, so I just cover the space between us in 3 steps. He tries to punch me but I just catch his fist twisting it, then I lift his arm above my head still twisting it then I just punch his elbow. I don't hear anything but the sound of the broken bone and the scream of my opponent as he just slip on the floor, hitting with his left hand on the mat telling that he's had enough, but tonight I'm not in the mood to let go. I grab his shoulder and roll him over, I look down at him remembering his laugh when he saw me. I push on his chest with one knee and punch him in the face repeatedly, until I can't see anything but blood covering his face and feeling my knuckles bleeding, even with my bandages on. I punch him until I can't lift my arm up again, blood covering my face, my legs and my torso. I get up, turning around watching the people, until I found a very unfamiliar face, looking straight at me, no smile, no cheering, then she turn away toward the exit.

Gary climbs in the ring, taking my wrist and lifting my arm up in the air, announcing my victory.

I smile a little, giving them a little bit of enthusiasm then head back to the locker room. Ice is on the bench, but like, not ice packs, fucking ice cubes ! WTF ?! I sight, take my bandages off, throw them in my bag and walk to the washbowl cleaning the blood off my body. Lucky me this time I didn't just came here in my training gear... try explaining to cops why you have blood on you.

I deep my hand in the bowl of ice cubes, little pain that I had goes away, and right in my peaceful moment Gary comes in, a little plastic bag in his hand which I know is my payment, 1 million $ cash. I point with my head my bag.

"Just put it in there."

"You did good tonight." He state

"Like always. Is your big client satisfied ?"

"I don't know, he seemed though.

"Good, I don't break knuckles for nothing then."

"Oh come on Venatrix, we both know your an addict to that, you can't keep your hands clean or off the wheel... maybe more from poker cards but certainly not from your weapons."

He smile then leave me here. He's right thought; I am an addict to fights, races, weapons, but I was born like that.

I get off the bench, wrap again my wrist with clean bandages and go out to fight again.

How it really begun | Natasha RomanoffTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon