Chapter 15 | Meeting and Greeting

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Raven is in the control room of the Helicarrier, still on the tablet. But this time she's actually done with all the reading, and is just trying to hack into files, so she can delete her real name and put 'Raven DeValdez' instead. But even with all the will she puts, it seems like she just can't, all her combinations and algorithm getting rejected, one after the other.

"Still trying to change your name ?" A deep voice startle her. She look up seeing Fury pass in front of the table looking at her, then goes to stand at the principal platform of commands he was earlier on.  

"How did you know ?" She ask incredulous. Fury just turn to her an eyebrow raise, then turn back, but she didn't missed the look he gave to agent Hill. First thought that came to Raven's mind is obviously 'snitch'.

Not long after, a sudden feeling take place, and the enormous control room doesn't feel that enormous anymore. Raven stand from her seat with a pale face, and try to find her way through this maze of corridors. She finally manage to find her way outside, leaning on a the wall just next to the door she came out of, and is met by nostalgia, seeing all this movements around her. The planes, the soldiers running, all this commotion reminding her of the good old days. 

Soon, people start to get away from a certain space, and the sound of a quinjet approaching can be heard. She look at the way it lands, admiring the mobility and the design of the plane, the way everything is calculated to be at the same time, a small plane that can lift heavy things, and a deadly weapon, smooth to control. 

But even if the quinjet seems like a good ride, nothing will ever compare to her 'Rafale F3-R' she was piloting back in the french army. She smile to herself remembering her rides, no that long ago, but sudden flashbacks quickly wipe that smile off her face. Raven look at the people getting out of the quinjet, and let out an annoyed sigh when she spot vibrant red hair. 

"Seriously ?" she mumble to herself, but the man following then pique her interest, recognizing Doctor Banner. She take out her aviator sunglasses and put them on, then start to make her way to the scientist, ignoring the redhead. 

"Bruce Banner right ?" Raven ask with her arm out for him to shake. The scientist look up, and shake her hand nodding his hand in confirmation. "Yeah that's me. And you're Alix Montjoie right ?" he then ask her, making her tense. "I don't go by that name anymore so please, call me Raven." She ask trying to remain calm, but the way her body tense didn't go unnoticed by Natasha. "I looked at your work, it's impressive. It didn't really go as planned but, it still is impressive." Raven says. Banner doesn't respond, probably a bit uncomfortable but slightly nods his head with a small smile in a 'thanks' way.

Raven sense his discomfort so she just leave him, looking around at the quinjet closer. She spot Natasha walking away, to the door she was at minutes ago, then look at Doctor Banner who's looking closely at fighter aircraft. The ex soldier then move to the edge of the aircraft carrier, looking out as far as she can, breathing in the salty air.

She doesn't know for how long she was standing there, but it was enough for agent Romanoff to do what she had to do and come back on the landing decks. 

"You're going to turn into a statue not moving like that." a raspy voice interrupt Raven's thoughts. "And you need to leave me alone." She says turning around to walk away, but a soft hand with a tight grip on her forearm stop her in her tracks. She look up, meeting the gorgeous green eyes of the agent, but her tight jaw and tense body give away the urge she has to yank Natasha's hand away. "Raven, it's been a year. You can't keep up this hate towards me forever." The spy says softly. 

Raven look away from the woman, not sure if she wants to answer. "I don't hate you Romanoff..., I haven't forgive you yet. That's all." she says through gritted teeth. The grip on her arm soon disappear, but Raven can sense Natasha still want to say something, so she turn her head back to face her. The ex assassin open her mouth, when a quinjet land, Raven's gaze turning away to see the new arrivals. Natasha look at the quinjet as well, and walk towards it leaving the brunette alone. 

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