026 | The New Boy (Pt. 2)

Start from the beginning

Ace turns off his radio not wanting to listen to anything else as he tries to make it home at a decent time so his mother can go to work.

'She's in love with the boy,

And even if they have to run away,

She's going to marry that boy someday. '

Ace looks at his phone as the ringtone Poppy choose for their uncle blares at him on the empty road.

He sighs and answers it.

"Sorry about the mess, uncle. Dad said you wouldn't mind." Ace states before his uncle starts chewing into him about his beloved warehouse.

"It's fine, kiddo. Your dad is going to either give me one of his or he's buying me a new one." Ace's uncle said. "But that's not why I called."

Ace frowns but says, "I'm listening."

"Your father told me he had some work to take care of. But I called John from your father's warehouse and he's not there. So you know what that means."

"Oh gosh, thanks un. I'm ten minutes away I will handle this." Ace exclaimed. Ace's jaw tightened and became more tense at the thought of his dad doing something stupid.

Ace hangs up the phone and speeds down the road to his house.

Ace quietly closes his car door when he reaches his house and sneaks up on his dumb supposed-to-be-dead father and his dumber supposed-to-be-dead best friend.

"What did I tell you guys about being around here? Eventually, she will see you. You've got to be smarter than that." Ace whisper yells at them.

"I know, but I had to come see my woman." Stephen muttered with despair and longing in his voice. "I miss her."

"I know but you have to go before she sees you." Ace whisper yelled again. Getting mad as Stephen continues looking at the house in a calculated manner. Probably thinking of ways to break in the newly installed steel windows that I put up recently because of Stephen and his impulses.

'I have to stop him before he tries to climb into the house again', Ace thought.

"As the man of the house now, I have to draw a line." Ace stated. Stephen's expression made Ace involuntarily flinch. Stephen always lost control over his body and mind after a certain point, so he was going to shut down and attack if Ace didn't finish talking fast. "Stephen you faked your death and left her here to raise Mason alone. It didn't help that she had to take in Poppy and I because my dad decided he had to die with you. She loved us enough to adopt us. She's had to raise Mason, Poppy, and I on her own with a heavy but loving heart. Her finding out about you two will destroy her. She'll feel betrayed. If you go in that house, you will ruin our family all over again."

"I can just go in there and explain everything. I'll tell her why I left and —" Stephen muttered, knowing deep down that this wasn't the time for this but trying to convince himself because he desperately missed her.

"Can't this wait until you are fully safe and done with this whole mafia war? When you won't be putting anyone's life in potential danger by being around them. You have too much going on to even be around this house right now. You need to stop being so reckless. You are like a father figure to me, a very screwed up one but still one nonetheless." Ace states looking Stephen in the eyes. He watches as Stephen's eyes well up with tears at the truth in his words. "With that being said I want the best for you, which is getting your affairs in order first. Then you come and get your woman back. You can't afford to break my heart again! Plus Poppy and Mason don't know either, so everything is going to hit the fan but it doesn't need to happen now. Now get out of here, she'll be out any minute to leave for work."

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