Chapter - 24

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Recap: Sid and Yami have a conversation as she thank him.


Sid returned home and saw Yami waiting for him as usual. They had dinner together and when they returned to their room Yami slept immediately as she was hell tired after working for a long time on the gift orders. Sid sat watching her face which brought a smile on his face. He caressed her cheeks and kissed her forehead gently without disturbing her and laid next to her.

Sid Mv: I love you Yami, Wish I could tell this to you soon and you will reciprocate my love.

Next day Vijaya informed Sid and Yami to attend one of the wedding reception of their relatives as they are newly wed couple in the family and most of the relatives would expect them. Sid agreed to return early and left to cafe while Yami stayed home working on the gift orders. 

Nivedha woke up and saw Vimal getting ready for office standing before the mirror.

Nive: Vimal, there is a party today evening. Its my friend's birthday party please join me. It won't be good if I go alone now. All my friends would be there.

Vimal: Sure, I will come...when did you return last night ?

Nive: I was stuck with work and return early morning. I just woke up to infom you about the party. I will not be working today. I got to go to the salon to get ready for the party. See you in the evening.

Vimal nodded his head and left to his office after having breakfast. Day passed quickly and by evening Sid returned home leaving Parth to take care of the cafe in his place. He saw Yami was ready in purple gown with matching pearl ornaments. Her hair was set free to oneside.

Sid took a good view of her and moved behind her. Yami watched him looking at her through the mirror. 

Yami: Why are you looking like you are seeing me for the first time ?

Sid: Ofcourse I have seen you for years but I seeing my wife today who looks extra gorgeous. Looks like I have to protect you from eyes rather than enjoy the function. Can you change into something which will make you look less beautiful ? Again its a problem. You look too good and stunning in anything you wear. My bad to get a beautiful wife.

Sid shook his head as if what he said was nothing and entered the washroom with a smirk. Meanwhile Yami was still in daze on hearing his words.

Yami: Did he really call me his wife and said I m beautiful ? Was he flirting with me ? Oh my god did he real do that ?

She raised her fist in air and twirled in excitement which didn't go miss from Sid's eyes who was peeked from the washroom. Yami picked a twinning outfit for Sid and laid on the bed before leaving the room to let him ready.

 Vimal entered the home and saw Yami ready and looking at the closed door of their room in the first floor.

Vim: Any special occasion ?

Yami: Me and Sid are going to a wedding reception of my relative. Sid is getting ready but how come you are so early and why is your face so pale. Are you ok ?

Vim: Nivedha had to attend some party of her friend so I m early to join her. About my health I m ok, just a little tired. 

Yami: Take care...Nive is not at home. She went to salon.

Vim: hmm, she messaged me to pick her on way.

Before she could speak further Sid reached and saw Vimal. He cleared his throat and Yami eyed him to speak to Vimal. Sid turned to Vimal but on looking at him he felt bad.

Married to my best friend-  2 ( Completed )Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang