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He separated himself from chloee "tae you should understand her situation she didn't wanted to risk -"" understand her understand understand bullshit . all efforts i do . i was there na isn't he my baby too won't i save him she didn't trusted and ran away i was there before that bloody baby still she choosed him over me whyy why always me ?" He shouted so loud that they both shivered and gulped looking at each other .

Chloee sighed and grabbed taehyungs collar "why you let her go?if she was being stubborn the you could had stopped her why you didn't its okay she was worried for the baby . Look i am not saying you are wrong taehyung but its just she isn't completely wrong . She was fucking scared she know what that bloody monster could do if she won't obey him please tae calm down" she said cupping his cheeks .

She then noticed how close they both were she gulped her eyes fell on his lips . She was feeling butterflies in her stomach they were just inches close . She closed her eyes leaning close to him . She knew this was wrong her brain was screaming to stop but her heart wasn't letting her to do so .

She wanted to feel him atleast one and last time she was being selfish in this situation but her heart wasn't accepting how wrong this was . Everything seems to be in slow motion . Her lips parted as she was leaning more and more close to him .

Taehyung was just sheddinging tears his vision was blurry . He didn't know about her moto he just stayed still she felt his breathes fanning on her face too close too much close but someone called his name "taehyung"

" what i didn't asked you to stand i said strip baby strip fast don't waste time" minho said. you decided to just take your baby and walk out of the room you walked passed by him but he grabbed your wrist " where are you going huh?" He pulled you back. " don't fucking touch me " you shouted " uhh your voice i don't like it gosh so irritating " he said

Suddenly he noticed that red mark on your jaw " oh so you already slept with my brother huh?" He grabbed your jaw harshly you knitted you eyebrow in confusion " how dare you let other man touch you hoe" he rubbed harshly on that spot

" i said don't touch me you motherfucker" you pushed him with full force . A mirror was in the left side you noticed that red mark . Your cheeks heated up remembering those scenes from last  night .

You let out a shaky breathe as a smile spread over your face remebering how taehyung was comforting you last night you were blushing by now . You smirked turning to him " opps boy, find a new toy i only spread my legs for your beloved brother the way he pleassure me oh gosh" you said confidently before winking at him

His blood boiled " what you said " he said grabbing your hair . He pulled on them it was paining alot your eyes teared up you dumped your weakself and spitted on his face he moved backward leaving you " you deserve it" you said he wiped his face and slapped you hard making you drop on the ground

You got a bruise on your side lip as blood started coming out " and you know what you deserve huh " he said pulling out his belt . Your breathings became uneven as you crawled back while he stepped forward. You closed your eyes and accepted your faith .

He started hiting you . You screamed in pain it was hurting like a hell but soon he stopped when someone came in , breaking the door ." tae" you mumbled wiping your tears . You thought taehyung gonna come and take you with him but instead taehyung jumped on minho and started beating him like beast.

Mr and Mrs kim too came in the room . Mr kim tried to separate both the brothers while Mrs kim took you towards the window . She opened the window for you and asked you to take deep breathes while rubbing your back softly . Mr kim wasn't able to pull tae away

Baby was continuosly crying hearing minho's screams but those shriek noises were calming you . "taehyung stop it you will kill him what are you doing" Mrs kim ran to him while you didn't even turned towards the scene . Soon the couple finally stopped taehyung from beating that poor man further.

Taehyung yanked his dad's grip and ran to you . " are you alright noona are you hurt is it paining please talk to me noona" taehyung said checking on you . He was panicking so badly . You just hugged him and cried in his embrace

His heart broke in millions of peices seeing the blood on your clothes . He firmly held you close to him " why noona why you did this to yourself ? Please come with me i promise to throw him behind the bars please trust me noona please lets leave him and his baby just come with me noona please" taehyung asked cupping your cheeks

Now its your decision whether to choose the guy who is here to save you or to choose the baby whom you carried and saved in your womb straight nine months from this cruel world . You gulped, gazing the ground . He was waiting patiently while Mr kim helped minho to sit on the bed . Minho wiped his blood from the side of his lip.

" look noona i am not saying you to choose between me and the baby i just want you to trust me" he whispered cupping your cheeks. You both made eye contact. You shivered

You took a deep breathe looking away from him . Your baby was still crying . You eyed in baby's direction your heart ache but you closed your eyes before pushing yourself in his embrace " take me with you it pains my body my heart my soul everything i wanna be selfish for one time i can't take this anymore i am done with this tae please help me run away from everything" you broke down in tears in his embrace .

He sighed in happiness he hugged you tightly making you wince in pain " uh sorry" he said and picked you up in bridal style and started walking out

Minho didn't expected this . He stood up " y/n your son where are you going he is crying look yahhh whoreee" he shouted when he saw taehyung already out of the room . He followed you behind but was limping as taehyung beated him very badly.

He ran behind you both " stop yahh taehyung . You can't run away from me y/n" he shouted as he followed you both downstairs . " no this can't happen no " minho pulled on his hairsband fell on his knees . He didn't expected this

he thought he will use your son against you cause your baby is your weakness . " minho son calm down" Mrs kim rubbed his back while he was breathing heavily " dad i can't lose no dad i can't" he ran to his dad and shook his dad vigorously by  Shoulders

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