Full Time | Hamilton

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Time: Now

Hamilton age: 13

Washington age: 46

Context: Gotta Catch Em All

(Based on a true story 💀 luckily not this embarrassing but it was bad) 

Third person:

Alexander walked into history class, trying to push the thoughts away from last night. "I don't want to be a full time father, Alexander"  His father's voice echoed in his brain. Alexander sat through the morning news playing on the television at the front of the room before he decided to zone out until something that mattered would happen. 

Alexander wasn't sure how much he missed before he saw a paper hit his desk. "Excellent work, Alex." He looked up to see Mr Washington put an essay he wrote in front of him. He scored a 100. Alexander wanted to cry. He had never gotten a compliment like that before. 

If he's being honest with himself, he always thought of Mr Washington as a father figure, although, any man that complimented him became his imaginary father. Of course, he'd never say anything, but it was true. He had attachment issues. 

But this continued. All the time, he would do extra work to get compliments from his one sided dad. As long as Mr Washington thought his work was good, he had motivation to keep going to school, even though he'd rather stay at home. 

One day, Alexander got a really good grade on a really hard test. This was like the best thing that's ever happened to him, so obviously he was happy. Really happy. So happy, in fact, that he forgot to watch his Dad Filter. "Have a good lunch, son!" Washington called as Alexander left the room to the cafeteria. "Thanks dad!" He yelled back from the hallway. Luckily, the halls were empty, so no other students heard, but it was definitely loud enough that Washington heard. Fuck. 

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