Take your time

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Time: Present
Hamilton age: 15
Washington age: 42
Context: Hammy's a ghost in Washington's house and some sad stuff happens.

Washingmachine's pov:

i pulled the car into my new house and walked up to the front door. The house had no furniture yet, so i just sat on the front steps and waited for my moving truck.

Two weeks later:

My office was set up, so I decided to get to work. I felt a slight breeze on the back of my neck, and the window wasn't opened, but i just ignored it.

Suddenly, a book fell off my shelf across the room.  I jumped up and went to inspect the shelf. Nothing over here should make anything fall. I just picked up the book, put it back on the shelf, and got back to work.

Five minutes later:

I was totally in the zone working, when there was a knock on my office door, which was somehow opened. I know i had it closed last time I checked. I groaned.

This continued for another 20 minutes. Something annoying would happen, and I'd have to get up and fix it. Nothing major, just annoying. I kept working until I realized that the sun was starting to rise again. I had worked all night.

I leaned my head back and sighed. "Gosh, did I work all night?" I mumbled to myself. "I guess without Martha here to remind me, I've lost control of my self."  I just got up to go eat breakfast.

I worked for the rest of the day, and the disturbances continued. All day, a door would open, or a book would fall over, or I'd turn around and find something new typed on my computer screen. Eventually I just gave up for lunch. 

But of course the annoyances didn't stop. I just kept eating my lunch and ignored the water faucet when it randomly turned on, or when a dish towel would fall on the ground, or when my fridge would fly open and I'd have to get up to close it, only to find a piece of my sandwich ripped off and missing. Finally I got fed up with whatever was going on. "Hey would you knock it off?!"  I don't know what happened, but the disturbances stopped completely by the end of the night.

Am I going crazy? Is it grief from losing Martha? I was becoming the crazy old man who lives alone. I should probably buy a ton of cats and start creeping on those kids next door.

Two weeks later:

Every day the disturbances would begin. I would yell at them to stop, and they would.

Finally I just started to ignore it. But then it got worse. It would start off as some mild inconvenience, then it turn into me getting flicked on the head or punched in the arm.  "Stop! Whatever you are, please stop!" I finally yelled.  "Oh... yeah. I didn't realize how much it bothered you this much. I'll go away."

This is the first time anything answered back.  "Wait- who are you?" A ghostly figure appeared in front of me. "Oh... hi?" "Hey..." A boy, about fifteen years old, was in front of me. "Uhm who are you? Are you a ghost?" He nodded. "My name is Alexander Hamilton. I'm a ghost." "Oh... I'm going crazy aren't I?" "No I'm real and you're not crazy." "Then how old are you?" "I'm fifteen. Who are you?" "I'm George Washington." "Oh cool. I used to work under a man with that some name." "So what do you want with me?"  

"I don't know. I'm not allowed to pass over to the other side until I complete my business. But I don't know what that business is." "Well if you could do that business without annoying me, that'd be cool." I said. "No- it doesn't work like that." "What... what do you mean?" "Well once an emotional bond is formed, I can't really leave. Sorry." I sighed. "So... there's multiple bedrooms here, I guess you jsut choose one and live here until you complete your 'business'. But please stay out of my way. My wife died, and I'm really not in the mood to deal with any of this supernatural stuff."

Three weeks later:

"Son, I have a meeting until twelve today. I'll pick up lunch on the way back, alright?" "Can I come with you please? Please???"  I sighed. "Fine, but you need to be quiet, okay?" He nodded and excitedly followed me out of the house.

During the meeting, he was fine...until the end. He started getting bored and annoyed me while staying invisible.

As I left the cabinet meeting, I could almost sense his nervous energy the closer we got to my car. "Alexander..." I started. "Why'd you bother me in the meeting?" I asked calmly, but firmly.  "I just got this weird feeling... really weird." "Well Alexander I don't care. That was an important meeting. You can't do that!" I raised my voice when I said the last part.

"Mr Washington- I need help! It's... it's finally happening. I need your help." I looked next to me to see his normal ghostly body slowly fading out.  "Oh-" I pulled over to the side and  ran around to his side of the car. "Alex... it's okay. You're gonna be fine." "No Mr Washington... that cabinet meeting... that was my business. I'm leaving now." "No! No you- you're staying with me. I need you! You need to stay with me. I won't survive! You were a son to me. You can't leave me now."  "Dad... I need to go. It's my time. I'll see you one day dad, just take your time. Please. Take your time." I nodded and held on to him as he faded into nothing. "I love you son." "I love you too dad, take your time."

I went back into the drivers seat of my car and just sat there for a while. My wife,and now my son. I thought about the last thing he said tome. "Take your time". He didn't have enough time. He was fifteen when he crossed over to the other side. That was not enough time.

I'll take time and live the way Alexander wanted to live. He wanted a life of politics, so I'll do that for him. That cabinet meeting would always remind me of him.

I just want my son back, but if this is the closest I'll ever get to being a dad, I'll take it.

I recently got a new keyboard and my hands are still adjusting if that makes sense, so I'm sorry if there's any spelling mistakes, then please correct me and I'll fix it. It's just hard for me to adjust to a new keyboard and stuff.

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