Dating advice | Hamilton

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Time: present
Hamilton age: 23
Washington age: 49
Context: Hamilton is going on a date with a certain someone and needs advice.

Washingdad has great dating advice.

Btw this will more focus on Hammy asking for advice, not him being asked out or the date itself. If you request it, I'll write something related to the date another time.

Hamilton's POV:
John Laurens, my best friend just asked me on a date. Crazy. But that's not even the craziest part. I said yes! I was always kind of liked him, but I couldn't ask him out. He's my best friend, and it would only be a matter of time before Mr Washington found out. I'm still not out to him, just to my friends. That's when I remembered something. I've haven't done this dating thing since high school. This was all totally new. None of my friends were married or dating, so I had no idea who to ask. That's when I remembered a certain man. He's married- scratch that, he's been happily married since he was 27. He's quite smooth with the ladies, and he's had much more experience than me. Mr Washington. This was crazy, I couldn't ask him for dating advice. He was my boss, and maybe a tiny bit of a father figure, but it still felt inappropriate. Plus he would ask who I'm going with. Nope, I'm just that desperate. I went into his office, and was happy to see he was free. "Um... Sir can I talk to you?" Washing chuckled. "Alex, don't you think we're a little past the whole "sir" thing? You cried yourself to sleep in my arms the other-" I didn't want to talk about that, so I cut him off. Plus I don't know if that'll change after this conversation. He'll probably fire me if he finds out I'm going on a date with a boy. "Sir, I need...advice. About dating." I decided to play it safe with the honorifics. "Oh. Ok, so do you need to know the general idea, or secret tips?" what does that mean? "Umm... I don't know just what I should do on a date. We're going to a carnival".  Mr Washington opened his mouth to say something, then closed it halfway. "Uhh... wear a nice shirt, but dress casual. Look just nice enough to show that you can. Don't be too fancy, but don't be impolite and sloppy. Pay for both of your foods, it's carnival food so I wouldn't worry. That way you won't be the one paying on your second date." Second date?  "Uh... Ok? What about holding hands? That PDA stuff?" Mr Washington smirked. "Don't be too straightforward, but don't pull away. Ask before holding hands, don't kiss unless you both feel ready, but I wouldn't worry too much about that. If you feel like showcasing your relationship, that's to be discussed beforehand. You might deal with people saying it's inappropriate, but they're just jealous. Now just to be safe clean your apartment. I don't know where you two are meeting up." "uhh I think the carnival. I'd have to check though." Mr Washington smiled. "Alex, you're really nervous. Relax your shoulders." I tried to relax. "By the way, if you don't mind me asking, who is this person you're going on a date with?" I froze. This is exactly what I was worried about. "I- it's some girl- she's a female person don't worry- she lives in uhh... Upper west side?" Washington gave me a "you're lying" look. "Relax. You and John are very cute together. I was waiting for this day to happen. Everything about it." I was shocked. How did he know?! "How did you- why- how?!!?" Washington smiled. "John stopped by my office to ask for advice on how to ask someone out. Then you show up asking for dating advice. Plus you guys act like I never see you both flirting." I felt like I could fly. He accepted me! I never had to have the whole "I'm bi" talk. He called John in. "I gotta talk to you both. You guys are adorable, but please be careful with each other. I knew you guys would get together though! Now I owe Lafayette $30."   We all laughed. Me, my handsomest date, and my father figure. I honestly hoped it would stay like this forever.

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