The Reynolds Pamphlet | Hamilton

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Time: present
Hamilton age: 34
Washington age: 47
Context: SOMEBODY cheats on SOMEBODY, and Washingdad is not happy.

Third person narrative:
Alexander Hamilton walked into his house. He was coming home from work early and was excited to see Eliza. As Alexander walked up to his bedroom, he heard moans of pleasure. Suddenly he heard a voice. His wife's voice.  "Mhmm~ Alexander should be back soon, we should clean up and you should go- mariah stop baby~ mmhmmm baby please~ we've been doing this for months, we can't get caught now~ mhmmhhhh Mariah I love you~ but you need to go~"

Alexander's POV:
Mariah! Mariah Reynolds. I should've known. She was a whore back in high school, and some people never change. I just left my house and drove off to my office. I doubt Eliza even would notice I left.
I didn't get to my office, I went to Washington's. His had a couch in it. Mine did too, but it was ratty. Thank god Washington was in a meeting.

I walked into the break room and found a tub of Ben and Jerry's. I ate most of it on Washington's couch while watching The Ring. I hate horror movies but it's the one thing I could think of without romance. After a while I heard the office door open. Crap Washington's back. "Alex? What are you still doing here?" Well this is embarrassing. "Eliza cheated on me..." I mumbled, hanging my head. I couldn't look at Washington. "Oh my god... Alex I'm so sorry... Wow." I felt tears fill up my eyes. No. Do not cry, especially not in front of your boss. He used to be a general in the war, he doesn't put up with crybabies like you. I felt him sit down next to me and hug me. I hugged him back cautiously.  "Son, I'm going to be here throughout everything, and it'll all be okay. Got it?" I nodded quickly. I would need a father figure by my side, because even I admit I'll probably need someone to keep me sober and clean.  "Alexander, I know you're holding in tears. That's not healthy, it's natural to cry in this situation." "N- no sir, I'm not-" I was interrupted by Washington pulling away from the hug and getting a good look at my face. My eyes were filled with tears and it was painfully obvious. "Alexander." His face wasn't as warm, but it softened when he saw that I was milliseconds away from breaking down. So I did. He held me close as I rode out my mental breakdown. It was stupid.

The next morning I woke up alone in Washington's office. I remembered last night, and figured it out. I felt a sticky note on my forehead. It said: hey Alex, Mr Washington here. You're taking today off to get some rest. Again, I'm really sorry about Eliza. If you ever need to talk then I'm here. Again, don't worry about working today. That's an order from your commander. 

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