Turkey Day | revolutionary squad

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Period: present
Hamilton age: 15
Washington age: 43
Context: Alexander hates thanksgiving and is forced to celebrate. He's been adopted by the Washingtons for about a year but it's his first thanksgiving with them.

Sorry this is a couple days late, I've just been in between grandparents' houses and stuff. Enjoy!

Hamilton's POV:

I have been dreading this day for the past 365 days. I just want to stay in yesterday forever, or just skip today and go straight to tomorrow. But Martha has been planning tonight's dinner for the past week, so no can do.

I got dressed in a T-shirt and jeans. I'm not dressing up today. Look, I'm not very festive and I sound like a party pooper, but I just don't care for thanksgiving. And besides, how can I be a party pooper if I'm just in my room the whole time? No party to poop up there.

I just wanted to stay in my room but the least I could do is go visit John, who also hates thanksgiving, but he hates it because of the backstory. How the pilgrims stole the land from the natives and stuff. And I totally agree, but that's just another reason to hate it.
Leaving should've been easy, but I have a brother.  "Alex, why don't you at least hang out for a bit? You just got up!" I faked a smile and just calmly replied.  "Look laf I gotta go right now... I'm sorry but John's expecting me." A total lie. He doesn't even know I'm coming. His house is just always unlocked.
"Oh... Okay, but dad wants you home by four thirty. Oh and Hercules is coming for thanksgiving!" He obviously tried to hide some disappointment that I wouldn't be around all day. I feel bad because he's such a good brother but I just... can't. I can't be his family and his friend at the same time. "He's not my dad... I mumbled as I walked out.

I rode my bike to John's house and, surprise surprise, his front door was unlocked and he was watching TV while drawing. I don't think he even realized I was there. Perfect opportunity. I slipped off my shoes and tiptoed up to his couch, before grabbing his shoulders and growling at him. 
No response.
Suddenly he spun around and smiled. "Oh hey Lexi. Didn't realize you were there." "You are impossible. I swear." "Yeah or maybe you're just loud." He smiled. I rolled my eyes. "Guywho'sgonnaletmemoveinsayswhat" I said quickly. "What?" John asked. "Aww thanks, I can live here forever? Love you." "No!! Wait why do you want to stay here? What happened at your house?" "It's thanksgiving." I said bluntly. "So?" I stared at him. "So?! It's thanksgiving! My life is over!" John rolled his eyes. "I don't think you get it. My life is over because these people actually treat me nicely but now I'm spending holidays with them! And this just means that Christmas is coming, and it's been almost a year since I first moved in, and-" "Breath. Just chill out. Look, I've met the Washingtons and I know it'll be a chill thanksgiving." Suddenly his phone buzzed. "Oh look. Your brother invited me to your house tonight. I'll make sure nothing happens." I groaned. "How about no one goes to thanksgiving at all and we just skip this lousy holiday?" "Because I want to eat turkey." "I thought you hated thanksgiving!" "I said I hate the holiday. The food, that's another story." I smirked. "Maybe I can break my neck and end up in the hospital so I don't have to celebrate." John pulled me off the couch and dragged me to the table before grabbing some random iPad. "Okay. Name one thing that could go wrong." "Okay first off whose iPad is that? Second of all, so much could go wrong. I could use the wrong fork, I could get into another argument and make the Washingtons look bad in front of the Schuylers, who are also coming, or-" I was cut of by a groan from John. "What?" "Nothing... Just... is Elizabeth gonna be there?" I shrugged. "Why?" "She's always hitting on you. And so is Angelica, now that I think of it." "John! I swear nothing will happen! You'll be there! And besides, it's only a while longer until everyone finds out about us... so she'll definitely back off then." John looked uneasy but we dropped it.

༻Hours later༺

I checked my phone for any messages, but I happened to look at the clock and realized I only have about ten minutes to get back.  Great.

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