Chapter Fifty

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Beep beep! Beep beep!

"Stupid fucking alarm clock—" I mumbled and covered myself more with the blanket. I felt something on top of my head. As I bare open my eyes, it happened to be Hallie resting her head above mine. And I'm on her bed. 'How the hell did I end up here?' I look around and found Mickey, Derek, Randy, Reggie, and Joel, all gone. Sid is still resting on her side of the bed.

Well, since I'm awake, might as well watch a movie. I slowly move Hallie's head away and rest it above a pillow. Once I hopped off her bed, I found myself with shorts and an oversized tee. Mickey's oversized tee. 'Hold on? Am I topless?' I peek inside to find my short top still on. I sigh in relief.

"Morning, N/n." I perk up finding Sid awake. A smile curves through her face. "Hey. Morning, Sid." She looks down and points at the oversized tee. "Nice tee. Is it yours?"

"It's actually Mickey's."

"Aww, that's neat."

"Yeah," I informed, looking back down at his tee. A big smile crawls to my lips.
"Oh, you're smiling. What's got you all happy?"

I look at her with the same smile on my face. "I'm dating Mick."

"Get—out!" Our heads angle towards a smiling Hallie off her bed. "It happened! It finally happened!" She tackles me in for a hug that I shortly took in return.

"Congrats! Since when did he asked you?" I slowly looked away from Sid but brought my view back to her. "Well, he asked me last night while you guys were asleep."

"Aw man! And I missed it!?"

"Yeah. Sorry, Hal," I chuckled. "I wonder where the guys went?"

"I woke up and found Reg already dressed somewhere a half-hour back. He said him and the guys are going to Dunkin' Donuts for two boxes of dozen before we all start class in an hour or two."

Sid and I hum in understanding. "Well, since the guys are not here, how about we watch a movie on some channel or something?"

"I'm down," Sid said as the three of us suddenly sat on the single sofa. Sid sat in the middle, Hallie and I rested on the arms. Hallie snatched the remote beside her and begins surfing through the channels. "Let's see what's there—oh, The Breakfast Club!"

"Looks like it just started too."

"I got a question for you, N/n."

"Go ahead, Hallie."

"Are you a virgin?"

I playfully push Hallie from aside as I laugh. "Fuck off," I said, chuckling.

A sudden knock spews from the door and Sidney gets off her seat to open. Outside reveals Derek with two boxes of donuts and a bag of drinks. "Good morning, good morning! We bring gifts, we bring gifts! We have chocolate, glazed, old- fashioned, but the cops ate all the jelly." I playfully booed at the ending but grabbed a glazed.
"I brought bagels and jam for me!" Reggie yells out. I laugh a bit and left my spot to sit on a different sofa with Mickey already on.

Randy and Reggie sat beside each other. Across them is Joel and Hallie on her bed. Derek and Sid sat together on the single sofa and exchanged a kiss as he passed her a red rose. They chuckle for a bit until Derek points at Mickey. "He got frisked."

I look back to find Mick with a red rose on one hand with a smile on his face. "Not only did I get frisked, I had to give them my name, rank, sexual preference-"

"Which is?" Hallie asks.

"Them," he said, leaning close to me as he bites the stem. "Naked." A goofy smile appeared on my face. I push Mickey away jokingly. "Oh that's right, baby. Dream about it." We laugh together and rest our foreheads against each other. "Can I at least get a good morning?"
"Good morning," I answer as I plant a kiss on his nose.

"You guys are such lovebirds. When are you two eventually going to date?" Our heads look at Randy as he smirks. "Isn't it obvious? We already are." Mick wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me closer to his chest. Randy's smirk now becomes a jaw-dropper. "Huh!? Since when!?"

"Since last night."

"How—when—how did I miss that!?"

"You just had to be there."

"I've always been expecting N/n to finally get a partner," Reggie speaks. "I'm proud of you." I smile at him as he does the same.
"Thanks, Reg. Now toss me a jam packet." He tosses me a packet as I caught it and apply some on my donut.

"You're putting jelly on your glazed donut?" Mickey asks me. "Well, Derek said the cops ate all the jelly ones." He chuckles and placed a kiss on my cheek while he hands me the rose. A big smile comes across my face and I decided to clip the rose on his hair. "That'll hold the rose while I eat."

"Well, would you look at that?" I got up from Mickey's grasp and walk my way to Joel and the blinds, while he is viewing the outside.
"What's up, Joel?"

"Two cops outside. Standing guard." He closes the blinds and we turn our view to Hallie writing on her notebook, and Reggie resting his chin on her shoulder as he watches her write. "Okay, Sid, you're sure about skipping Calculus?"

"Please, I have the perfect excuse."

"What about rehearsal?"


"I'll cover you for rehearsal—Derek, Y/n, when do you guys get out of docu-drama?"

"I get out at two."

"I usually leave ten minutes before two while the teacher isn't looking."

"Well, I already know Randy barely takes class because of his cameraman duty for the weather lady, so he's fine. And Derek, you'll relieve me at 2:30..."

"And watch Sid till 8:00. I've got to edit."

"That's perfect! I'll be outta Micro-bio and we can grab a bite." Joel takes my arm and pulls me back with the gang.

"Guys, guys. I'm sorry but, no way."

"Shut up, Sid. Mickey, you, N/n, and I can take her late evening."

"Seems good for me, but not for Mick."

"Yeah. Sig Ep's gotta band, tonight."

"Too bad."

I sit beside Reggie and watch Hallie and Mickey arguing about the schedule for this evening. Reggie leans over to my ear, whispering, "Y/n, you gotta do something about the situation."

"What the hell can I even do?"

"Do what you always do with Mick or something. Just anything that can stop the nonsense."

"You got it," I said once I got up. I walk up behind Mick and slap the back of his head. "Get your shit together, Mick. We have no choice anyways."

"The hell was that slap for!?" I turn around and face Reggie. "You said to do what I always do with Mick!" As soon I looked back, Mick stopped arguing. "See? It works!"

"I've been used to this. First rule, never film her without their permission."

"What did you mean when you meant by that?" Reggie asked and got up as it looks like he's going to beat up Mick. "Not that way, not that way!"
"Reg, calm down. He just films me writing my short stories."

"Again, never record her while she writes their romance stories."

"It's fucking gothic literature!"

"Yeah, the romantic gothic literature," He told me while he got up and wrapped his arms around me, prepping my face with kisses. "You're lucky I love you."
Joel moves out the door and talks to Sid how he'll see her later. Before she could say anything, Derek silences her with a kiss. I wave goodbye to Joel and Randy left off with him too, only leaving me, Mickey, Derek and Sid, Hallie, and Reggie. I move out from Mick's grip and grab my bag to get dressed.

"Hey, Sid, mind if I could change in your bathroom?" She nods and Derek continues to kiss her.

"I'll come."

"Mick, stay."

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