Chapter Fifteen

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"May I be your first?"

After that sentence, I was in an overload. My face began heating more than usual, causing me to get a quick pound of a headache for just a second. I knew that romantic feelings can make one feel this way, but getting a pounding headache? That's one weird way to experience this case right now.

His thumb which was once on my lips started drifting off. I look at Mick who had on a plain expression. "I mean, it's fine if you don't want to at this point." He took his hand off my cheek. While being honest, I missed the fact he let go. He slightly pinches my cheek while chuckling due to the fact that I'm in a very flushed state. I slowly swatted his hand away and cleared my throat.

"Is it weird to say, well you know, that I do want you to be my first?" I look away at the same time Mick moves his head to my direction.

"Do you really mean that?" I slowly nod and turned around, making contact. "I mean it feels weird to say knowing that I never kissed anyone." I gave a slight chuckle. "I will be a terrible kisser to begin with." Mick lets out a laugh and rests his forehead on mine for the third time. "How about I can show you?" Fuck, my face is heating up again. Mick saw and slightly chuckled for a fast second. Back again was his hand, carefully caressing my cheek.

"Okay, so," He trailed off and began to laugh for a while. "What it should be about is like having fun, you know? Before you could kiss somebody, you just need to build that up." I slightly laugh and move my view to his eyes. "And sometimes those two talking will continue to fade off until one asks for consent from the other." My hand tops the one that is caressing my cheek. I take my eyes off him while I begin to feel so many emotions inside me right now.

"Some will ask; for example, "Can I kiss you?" Or "I'd really love to kiss you right now." Once the other agrees, boom. It happens. But you need to take it slow, always start thing slow."

"At this time, I'd really love to kiss you right now." After what I said, I look up glancing at Mick who now was a quite surprised number on his face. 'Shit, I blurted it out!' I started laughing nervously while I take my eyes away from him, but he took hold on my chin that he moved my head to face him. "There you go, you asked for consent."
He released a small laugh that let my body relieve itself from the heavy weight breaking my back.

  "There's no need to overthink this okay? Pay less attention to that." I rose both my hands up to caress both side of his cheeks. Our foreheads kept touch, I pulled him closer to now both our noses touching each other. I can't believe I'm doing this. Do I hate it? Absolutely not.

Mick moves his hand off my cheek and wraps both his arms around my waist. The empty space that was once there again, gone. "You really are gorgeous." I laugh and said a small 'thank you' to him. I compliment him back saying how charming he is. Both our voices trailed off, fading away as we look at one another. I stare at his lips for a second then to his eyes. Never in my life have I begin to feel this way. And there I was several hours ago telling Hal and Sid that I didn't feel this way. I was wrong, and this felt nice.

"Fuck, I can't hold it anymore." Mick leans closer, closing the gap on us. I felt drunk in my thoughts while I tried telling myself that this is real. I let my body relax and take out they heavy weight that was once on my back, to take things slowly. I hesitate to kiss back, but I slowly got in the process of doing it. Despite all this, Mick is surprisingly good at it. He pulled back and what I saw was something I didn't expect, a lovestruck emotion. "Wow." After that kiss, that was all I could even say. Mick covers his mouth as he chuckles while pulling his view away from me. "That felt pretty nice." I could hear him very quietly and he's not wrong. I actually enjoyed it.

I hopped off my bed and began walking around Mick to grab his attention. By the time he looked up, I slowly pushed him away for some space as I'm now hovering above him. "You don't know how much you're doing to me." I slightly laugh and held his cheek. Mick stood frozen in a flustered mess. "You wanna do it again?" I nodded. Not a second later, my back is now resting on my bed. Mick is above and began to kiss me as I kiss back in return.

I started enjoying every second of this with him. When he pulled back, I slightly chuckle and grabbed his face, resting my forehead on his. After letting this out, I really do adore Mick with a passion. Even as a friend, I always had. Everything about him is just perfect. Not everyone is perfect, but they're perfect with who they are, and that's one of the many reasons I love about him. Maybe it is time to make a change and get in the game once and for all.

Mick leans closer to close the gap on us again. My hands slide down from his shoulders to his hands, him pinning both between me. Our lips now moved in sync, slow and passionate. I took out one hand to be released and fumbled with the collar of his tee. He took notice and let out a laugh before he took off his unbuttoned shirt then his tee, leaving him shirtless. I still wish I had muscles.

I took mine off after feeling hot during this. I'm usually insecure about my body but I started feeling better about myself ever since the one time I broke down and Mick came to comfort me. I grabbed both his hands, leaving them on each side of my hips. "You want me to touch you?" I nod, admitting that I do. "I didn't expect this side of you to be honest." I slightly chuckle and look away. "Neither did I. I have to admit, I actually enjoy this. Not just this, but with you."

He rests his forehead against mine while his hands slowly roam around my body. They're really cold so each touch made me shiver. I kiss the tip of his nose as I wrap my arms around his neck. For about three minutes, he stopped. He became tired and I grabbed a blanket to put on top of us. He grabbed my waist and pulled me close to him, burying his face on the crook of my neck shortly. I let out a smile and put my arms around him while I play with his hair.

'I can't believe that happened,' I smile more and drift off into slumber.

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