Chapter Twenty-Five

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The two of us slept peacefully until the sound of my alarm clock woke us up very early. Somehow a different song played. 'Is that Boom, Boom, Boom, Boom by Vengaboys playing from the radio?' "Goddamn it Reggie why this song?"

Mick shuffles around as his grip around my waist tightens. "It's too loud."

"Well if you could let me go, I'll turn it off to sleep for another three hours." The time is actually 3am. I forgot to change the alarm on it once I had to wake up early for a Monday. Mickey refuses to let go and pulls me closer. "On second thought, leave it." I set off a smile and buried my face on his hair. Something laid on my chest. As I look down, I see him burying his face. "Seriously Mickey?"

"Just sleep," He mumbles and dozed off. I rolled my drowsy eyes over and fell back to sleep.

Ring ring!
Ring ring!

"Aw man, the phone." I lazily got up and slid my feet on the floor while walking towards the phone. Mick is still in bed, but luckily his grasp was off me the last hour.

"You rang?"



"Who is this?"

"That one hot single mom from an illegal website who's two miles away from your destination. Who is this?"

"You tell me."


"Don't be like that. I just want to ask you a question."

"Alright then. What is it?"

"What's your favorite scary movie?" I move the phone away to let out an irritating groan. 'Wait a minute, that voice sounds familiar.' Trying to remember, I know who that person is. Cory Gillis.

"That's an easy, simple question Cory, it's Pinocchio."

"Gah! Fuck!" I chuckle as he hung up. "Well he tried. Poor guy." Mick got up and jumped off of bed. "Hey, who was that?"

"Just some prank caller, nothing to worry about."

"Did you really had to respond with a hot single mom as your answer?"

"It was worth it." I cross my arms while I begin feeling proud of myself. All of a sudden my ear begins to hurt, a heavy sound of ringing giving me a headache. "Shit!"

"Jesus Christ are you okay?"

"It's that stupid ringing from the ear that some asshole screamed at yesterday. Do you know where the Lidocaine is?"

"Yeah, I put it inside your drawer where your desk is. The top, by the way." I smile as Mick leans over to kiss my forehead before I left off to grab the medicine. He left to the bathroom while I applied some drops in my ear, reducing the amount of ringing.

Ring ring!

I groan and picked up the phone.

"I swear to god Cory if you do this one more fucking time, I'm gonna-"

"Hey N/n." That's not Cory's voice, it belongs to Hallie. "Hallie?" After releasing a sigh of relief, she continues talking.

"Sid is getting dressed at this time."

"What's going on?"

"Turn on the TV and go to the news program." She hung up, leaving me concerned. Mick leaves the restroom shirtless while brushing his teeth as he marches toward my direction. "Hey N/n, what's going on? I heard the call." I didn't answer and grabbed the remote not far. Once I turned on the TV, I quickly surfed through the channels to find the program. A reporter nearby the cinema appeared. 'That's the cinema both Maureen and Phil were at.'

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