Chapter Forty-Four

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(Tiny bit of smut)

Mick and I eventually went back to campus where the two of us found the gang by at the fountain. Reggie ran and asked me where I was. I only told him that Mickey and I just went out for a drive, making him feel relieved. That's just it. Nothing else. No teasing, nothing. A while after sitting by the fountain, I decided to head back to the dorm. Mick followed and shortly picked me off the ground once we entered, dropping me on my bed with him along.

I quickly hopped off to change my pants to shorts and took off my jacket, leaving it at the side before I took off my shirt off as well. It gets hot in the room anyways. Mick smiles as he wraps his arms around my waist, planting kisses on my chest until we drifted off.

The Next Day
"N/n, wake up."
I hear Mick's voice in a whisper while he calls out for me.

"Five more minutes, Mick." Letting out a yawn, I pull him closer to me, only to not realize I'm suffocating him against my chest. One of his hands land on my hip, making me get up.
"Fucking cold!"

"You were suffocating me in your chest," He said as he chuckled. "That's a scary grip you have there."

"Yeah, that happens. Even with Reg. So he stays a foot away to prevent himself from getting to my grip. What time is it by the way?"

"Only three thirty in the morning. We need to be at the department by five. Remember?"

"Yeah, I do."
As I hopped off my bed, I tell Mick that I'm going to shower.

"Wait, let me come with you."

"How about next weekend?" I already arrived inside the bathroom, getting ready to shut the door. Mick, however, immediately ran towards me. Pushing me inside, he followed along, shutting the door.

"Mick, c'mon."

"Just get in the shower."

"I'll just leave while you enter first." Mick refuses to let me leave by lifting me off the ground, pinning me towards the wall behind. "Damn it." Blood came rushing inside, revealing me to blush at his sudden action. "Put me down."

"As if."

"Mick. Put. Me. Down."

"Like I said. As. If."

"It's way too early to make-out."


"Fuckin' pain you are." He smiles, leaning down to plant kisses on the crook of my neck. "I'm that kind of pain you can never get rid of."

I let out a laugh, wrapping my arms around his neck as I begin to play with his hair for a bit. His hand that was underneath started to travel upwards to my thigh. I paid no attention to it and brought him for a kiss until he slid inside my shorts, inserting two fingers inside me. Moaning into the kiss, he continues to pump in and out faster.

"Fuck, Mick." As he continues to pump more quicker, I came. I rest my forehead on his, humming a tune while I watch him smile. "You have such a cute smile."
With that compliment, he just began to blush furiously. Laughing, I pry myself off him and stripped off my clothes to get in the shower.

"If you want to come, just get in." Snapping Mick back into reality, he came not a second later. All his clothes already gone.

After the shower and change, we left the dorm. Only twenty minutes before the time we're supposed to arrive. As yesterday, we use Mick's car to take us there. I rest my head on my hand as I look through the window.
For a moment, we finally arrived with only five minutes to spare. We didn't wait and just left the car, already entering. The lights are on, silhouettes of people moved around, and inside reveals a similar someone sitting right beside the door.

He's asleep until he slowly perks his head up from his name. "Y/n?"

"What the fuck?" Mick, however, looks surprised. He turns to me, saying "That's Ryan!?"
"He dyed his hair black since I don't know when." I shrugged and looked back at Ryan for an answer.
"It was only a few days ago."

Ryan looks agitated whenever he saw Mickey. Now I remember why, I just had to process first. He cleared his throat before talking.
"Look, Mick. I need to tell you something." Taking a deep breath, he goes on. "I'm very, very sorry for acting like a dick to you. I fucking hurt you for no reason at all and still continued to."

Only the look of anger plastered Mick's look. I know he's not going to forgive him.
"I forgive you."

  My eyes widen in shock. I'm surprised he just forgave him in such a quick manner. Even Ryan is shocked too. A small smile appeared. "It's all I need to hear." Yet only for a while, it faded. "But I'm not forgiving you for what you did to N/n two days ago."

"I know. They don't forgive me too. And I don't blame her." Ryan looks at me. I look back. All I see in his eyes are regret.
"Whatever I did, I don't want to do that anymore. I want to change already. And get through my actions. Because this happened for the third time already, and I just don't know how to control. I even fucking knew what I was doing, but that feeling couldn't stop lingering."

"Third?" He nods once I asked.
"Third. You remember when I said I didn't know what went through to me?"

"Yeah. Yeah, I do."

"I actually know why. I just don't want to talk about it with anybody else."

Suddenly, the door opens. Inside clears Dewey's presence inside the room. "Y/n, you made it." I smile at Dewey. "All thanks to Mick for waking me up."

"My body just told me to wake up."

Dewey left a chuckle and told the three of us to enter inside the room.
Him, Mick, and I sat across Ryan. Ryan, on the other hand, looks alarmed. "Ryan," I call out his name, soon grabbing his attention. "It's okay. You're not going to be in trouble. I promise."

He sends a small smile that soon faded shortly.

"Okay. As I said yesterday, I knew Cici from Paul a year after him and her met in middle school. I didn't had a close relation with her, but we still talked from time to time." He moves his hands around describing every word he's spoken.

"And at the party-I didn't know what was going to happen. I didn't see her there."

"What did happen at the sorority house where you were at?"

All of us froze. Mick, Ryan, and me. He took a deep breath before answering, saying, "It's a long story, but I'm going to say it. No matter how much trouble this causes me."

Our Beginning | Mickey Altieri Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant