Chapter Forty-Two

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"Okay, I spy with my little eye-"

"Mick, we weren't even playing to begin with."

"Shut up, I'm thinking."

I gave him a small chuckle while he continues to look around while driving down town. There stood an abandoned mini mall and he decided to park there to rest. "Okay, back to the game. I spy with my little eye, something green."

"Huh, okay. Could it be the grass?"


"Could it be the trees?"

"Wrong again."

"Well, that's all I can think of."

"Ruining the vibe here, you know?"

"Shut the fuck up. Let's see... your car freshener?" His eyes light up to my answer. "Correct! I've been waiting for you to see my new freshener."

"Are you on something?"

"Can a simple Mick show their awesome freshener to someone at least?"

"It's just in the shape of a tree."

"At least it's apple scented."

"Never mind, that's mine now." Once I started to sneak my hand to the freshener, his hand stops mine. "Leave it." Sighing in defeat, now is my turn. "Fine. Also, my turn. I spy with my little eye, something blue."

"The sky?"


"Damn...The Blockbuster sign across?" He points towards a Blockbuster sign. Sadly, not the answer that's in mind. "Nope, wrong again."

"Well then what is it?"

"Check your rear-view mirror to see." Mick quickly checks the rear-view to look for an answer. Yet sadly again, nothing. "At this point I give up. What is it?"

"Your car freshener."

"'s green."

"Look again," I said as I give him a smile. He scoffs in disbelief until he saw the green freshener no longer there. Now replaced with a blue version of the same. "How in the fuck?" I only shrugged, sending him a smile while doing so. "Fuck you, honestly."

"Chill. You got your dick bounced last night. Maybe later."

"My god, please don't say it like that." He groans, his face turning red. I couldn't help but laugh and to continue on. "What? It's true."


"No, I'm good." I took out a quick snicker and rested my back against the seat, taking my legs to bury my face onto. It's only eight in the morning. I suddenly want to go back to the dorm and lay on my bed. I want to sleep. And I want Mick's arms wrapped around my waist like he does every night. I really want that right now.

"Hey, is everything good?" Turning my view reveals a worried Mickey. I give him a smile and buried my face on my knees again. "I'm good, Mick. Just tired."

It all felt silent for a good minute until he said, "I have an idea."
So I said, "What kind of idea?"
He ignores and leaves the car to enter the back and adjusts the three seats in the back flat down.
"It's like a bed now!"

I let out a smile and unbuckled my seatbelt to leave the passenger and rest at the back. I rest on my side and facing the opposite way from Mick to look at the window that shows nothing but tall buildings. An arm lands on my side. He pulls me closer and finally wraps both his arms around my waist. That's what I needed. I wanted him and his arms around me.

My whole body relaxed over his touch. I sunk in and almost drifted off. Before I did, I slowly turned to face his direction. He already fell asleep. I used my right hand to gently caress his cheek, mouthing 'one day' with a smile on my face.

"Yeah. One day." I froze after hearing him talk. I didn't say a word. How in the fuck does he know? Mick bares open his eyes, the two of us making eye contact. A smile forms on his lips, making me smile again.

"Also quit reading my mind."

"You wish."

I pinch his cheek and playfully pushed him away, making him feel offended. "I just wrapped my arms around you and you do this to me? Uncalled, you know?" "If you stop reading my mind then I'll allow you to wrap them around me again." I face back the opposite direction again. His arms snuck up and held a grip on my waist.

"Mick, I'm about to push you again."

"Too bad there's no fountain," He chuckles.

I just rolled my eyes and moved out of his grip, pushing him until we came across a position. Me sitting on his lap, just like at the fountain when I pushed him off. I didn't mean to, or did I? Who knows? I still deserved it.

His face began to turn red. Again, just like at the fountain. His hand across my injured arm started to move upward and gently brush over neath the bandage. A look of hurt slowly grows on his face. "I'm still sorry about last night. If only I didn't lose it, interrupting you, and at least let you talk first." Tears were suddenly forming, calmingly streaming down. "I was just scared that it happened again."

I grab him underneath his arms, lifting him up and bringing him for a hug. "It's okay, Mick. It's okay." Droplets of his tears rested on my shoulder. "It's okay. You're okay." I place a soft kiss on his cheek to grab his attention towards me. Using my hands, I caress his face, wiping off the tears with my thumbs. His eyes didn't make contact with mine.

"Look at me, Altieri." Once he did, I give him a kiss before pulling back after a second. "You don't need to be sorry. It's not your fault. I get that you were afraid, but it's not high school anymore. Remember that. Because I'm damn well sure I want to stick with you." I send him a small smile. Before he could say anything else, I interrupted him, saying, "I mean every single word I said."

I push him back a bit, leaving some inches of space between us. His hands keep hold on my hips. A thought came up and using it, I hold onto both his hands, removing them and placing them behind, his hands now resting on my ass. His face turns a bright red. I laughed. He didn't expect this at all. Wrapping my arms around his neck, the two of us leaned over, closing the small gap of space there was between us.

His hands kept on a firm grip. I started leaning to push him back on the seats. His back now resting on top. My fingers now laces with his hair, pulling him to deepen our kiss. We pulled apart, staring at each other. Mick, again, leans over until I stopped a hand between us. "Let me see you for a bit." He didn't say a word and leaned behind a bit. I admire his features. More likely, everything about him. I'm just glad I met him. I don't want to let him go.

"Man, I don't wanna let you go from my sight." I left off a chuckle. Seeing Mick grinning from ear to ear brought my smile to grow more. Just by seeing him smile, I knew he would do the same.

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