Chapter Thirty-Two

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  The week was all stares for Sid and I. For starters, everyone knew about me punching a reporter and not helping Gale when Sid slapped her. I didn't really went to a few of my classes because most would eye me during lessons, especially at Sid; though, it's usually when she is not around. Whenever I'm at the dorm, Mick would stop my each time classes would end to hand me any work the teacher gives.

If Mick didn't have time, Randy would do his job since he leaves his classes early because of his cameraman duty, especially Joel. I didn't stay in my dorm all week, I just went to a couple of classes in the morning but would leave during afternoons to prevent any more glares and murmurs. Now, it's a Saturday, meaning no classes, no glares, nothing; except, the gang and I are going to the party we all agreed on going tonight.

Reggie arrived at campus somewhere around ten and visited by. He's now with me at the dorm, eating a bag of trail mix I bought for him, as for Mickey, he left to go to Randy, Derek, and Paul's dorm.

"So, you ready to go to the party with that boyfriend of yours?" Reggie shouted while I was dressing up in the bathroom.

"Mickey and I are not dating, Reg!"

"We'll see about that until one of the them from the gang sees you two making-out!"

"Whatever hipster," I said in a mutter while I put on my leather jacket over my top.

"I fucking heard that, N/n!"

I let out a chuckle and placed on a couple of necklaces, being done with my outfit: a white, tight top with black denim (jeans/skirt with knee socks), my leather jacket, and a pair of Converse. Once I left the bathroom, Reggie claps his hands, staring in astonishment. "Look at you! You're so gorgeous!" I blush to his compliment and gave him a hug that he took in return. "Thanks Reg. By the way, I love the beads you attached to your dreadlocks!" He ceded a laugh as he plays with one of his beads. "You know my mom bought these for me on my birthday last year."

"I know, and they look great on you."

"Stop it, I'm flattered." He sticks out a hand making an 'oh, stop it' gesture while smiling. The phone begins to ring. Walking over, I pick it up to answer. "Yeah?"

"Hey Y/n, it's Randy's roomie, Paul."

"Oh hey Paul. What's up?"

"You should ask Mick. Randy told me he needs you all of a sudden."

"Ah, I see. I'll be there in a minute. See you there." I hung up and told Reggie I'm heading over to Paul's dorm. He said, "Alright, just be careful over there while you go to your boyfriend."

"My god, be quiet." Reg only smirks while I smile and left the dorm.

A minute after leaving, I arrive to their door, knocking with a code to signal them I'm here. "Coming!" Someone shouted from inside and opened the door, revealing Paul.

"Hey there, Y/n. You look great!"

"Thanks, Paul. You too!"

He clears the path for me and lets me inside. Both Randy and Derek are putting on their until Randy perks his head up, facing me. "Damn, N/n. You look good!" I smile and said the same thing back to him. "Who are you trying to impress? Mick?"

"Randy, I swear to God-"

"Don't swear at the name of the Holy Spirit!" Him and Derek soon shouted. I roll my eyes and asked them where Mick is before Paul said he's in the bathroom.

"Why does he need me all of a sudden?"

"I don't know. Maybe to check on his outfit or something?" Paul shrugs and left off, sitting on the small sofa a few feet away from the door. As I knock, the door slightly opens, revealing a hand that dragged me inside.

"Mick?" There he was, standing across me while wearing a white tee, dark green coat, and blue jeans. He looks good, I gotta say. He saw my eyes gazing up and down on his outfit. "You like what you see?" I roll my eyes while playing punching his shoulder. "Shut up." He said, "I'll take that as a yes." As he leans down to place a kiss on my forehead, I ask him why he needed me. "Oh yeah, do you think you could do my hair for me?" Both his fingers lace together, waiting for an answer.

"Is that why I'm here for?"

"I saw how you did Sid's hair one time for her date, so why not?"

I left a chuckle and told him to lean back on the sink while I grab a brush from beside. "You're something, Altieri."

"I know I am, but you don't seem to mind."

"I just got used to it."

"Okay, just because I'm a bother, doesn't mean you can say that."


"Besides, you're the one to talk for hitting me in the face with one of your tapes four months ago."

"That was by accident!"

"I'm not buying it." A smirk forms on his face. Putting the brush down, I caress both his cheeks, bringing in a quick kiss. "Now?"

"Nope." I push him away while he laughs. His arms wrap my waist, pulling me closer as he lands his lips on my neck, leaving a trail. "Alright, alright. Now let me go, so I can style your hair." He left a quick kiss on my cheek before releasing me. Smiling, I grab the brush again and continue to brush his hair into a style that I thought of. A bottle of hairspray stood near the edge. I snatch the can and shook it before applying, giving him a messy high top of a hairstyle.

"Okay, you're done." He pushed himself up to check himself out in the mirror. Once he saw, a smile forms on his face. "Wow! I love it!" His compliment made me blush a bit. It wasn't much effort but I'm glad he loves it.

The two of us left the bathroom only to discover Reggie is here also. "Reggie?"

"I felt lonely in your dorm. Also why were the two of you in the bathroom?" A smirk forms. I left a quick sigh. "Reg, I swear-"


"Alright, alright!" He chuckles, saying he's kidding. "Did you style his hair or something?" I nod. "Yeah, it's one reason why I came here."

"Seriously, Mick?"

"It was worth it, Randy."

"Alright, that's enough. Let's go and get Hallie and Sid." Derek got up, looking at Reggie. "You wouldn't mind if we could use the minivan, right?"

"Not at all! If you wanna drive, you can." Reggie passes him the keys. Thanking him, we leave the dorm to go with Sid and Hallie.

"Let's see who wins the bet." Reggie wraps an arm around me, smiling. I smile, playfully punching his arm.

"Just shut up and let's go, Reg."

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