The sound of our shoes echoed on the stone floor as we moved forward. I had such mixed feelings that I couldn't see anything.My thought was only Tuğrul. Why is he with his girlfriend here? Why am I here? What brought me as I was experiencing anger, sadness, confusion, anxiety, excitement all together. We went up a long staircase. We stopped in front of a room. She opened the door and informed me with her cold and repulsive manner, "We're here, your room." I was speechless when I walked in. The room they call a room is almost as big as our whole house. The first thing I noticed was the size of the bed. The bedspread above; it was embroidered with black and also gold brocade crests. All of the furniture was dark, and it looked quite old, even antique. There is not a single detail of the modern period.

"This man loves old ancient things"

The huge paintings on the ceiling and floor were unbelievable. The view of the walls made of stone was mesmerizing. The chandeliers, lampshades, cabinets, toilet mirror, everything was old and just as magnificent. They all have their own charm. I felt myself in a museum for a moment. There were four long and narrow windows with colored glass from ceiling to floor. I'd laugh if they said I'd stay in the castle one day. Now I am here.Meri was gone. I went into the bathroom right away. I washed in with the shampoo and body gel packed in stylish glass bottles. They smelled so good that they were more impressive than any perfume I have used. Hot water was very good. I reached for the bathrobe that was right next to my bed and took my feet out of the high-legged ceramic tub and dried myself on the silk carpet on the floor. Then I lay myself on the huge bed.
My face was literally buried in the soft goose down pillows. Everywhere smelled like musk. Even in a short time, I enjoyed the luxury life more than once.

Now I had to get ready and go down to breakfast. I was incredibly hungry. Well, what am I going to wear now? The real issue for me was what to wear right now. I had nothing to wear but my old rags. I didn't take any clothes with me. Just then, the doorbell rang. "Come in" I called. Four servant ladies entered. The clothes in their hands were saying something. I didn't understand a single word of what was being said. Because most of the employees were English. Until another maid came in.

"Sir, we'll dress you up if you let me."

"No not necessary, thank you I can wear myself"

" I'm sorry, sir, but we have to do this. Tuğrul's order is in this direction. It is our honor to serve you"

No matter how much I insisted, the woman was pushing me. I had to accept. They laid out all the clothes on the bed. First they started with pure silk underwear. They were products belonging to one of the world-famous brands. I couldn't get them even with a year's salary. While they were dressing me, I was embarrassed and constantly contracted. It was something I wasn't used to after all. Then they dressed me in a black tight-fitting fabric dress. It was perfect for my body. Another was drying my hair and combing it delicately, while the other was dressing my shoes. Creams were applied to my face and hands. They were all beautiful and expensive products. I liked that they took care of me like that. I felt like a princess.

Meri came and,"Yes, If you're ready, I'll take you to the big courtyard for breakfast. Please follow me"

Again she was at the front, I at the back, we went out to the courtyard at the back of the castle. I sat at the breakfast table that was prepared for us. Well, where is Tuğrul? What about his lover, will she sit with us? This was making me very nervous. Servants are waiting on either side of me. He wouldn't even let me move my finger, they were doing everything. I watched the horses in the fenced square just beyond the courtyard. Even from here it was clear that they were noble horses. While I was looking around, I saw Tuğrul on a horse in the distance. How much more can he fascinate me? The horse was galloping on the green grass. He looked like an updated prince straight out of a fairy tale book. After getting off his horse, he loved and caressed his horse for a while. There was obviously a special bond between them. The groom came running and got the horse and walked towards me. how attractive it was.

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