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I don't know what kind of whirlpool I've been drifting into. Something inside me was telling me that this man was going to be the end of me.

The feeling that I had known him for years was quickly drawing me to him. I was afraid and wanted this man so much. I've never felt this kind of emotion before.

At night, I couldn't sleep from happiness. I turned left and right. I've been looking at that one follow on Instagram all night. From where? I kept asking.

Maybe he was kidding me. I went through his pictures and looked at every detail one by one. His eyebrows, a few pictures of him where he rarely smiles in his eyes...

Oh my god, does someone laugh that much? The more I looked, the more I fell in love. I fell in love with this man at first sight. A force was pulling my whole soul towards it. For me, even if it was as inaccessible as a star, I loved it in the first second I saw it. I noticed a detail in your pictures. The woman he came with on my birthday that night. It was in almost every picture. Is she her lover? It sure is. I have rarely seen such a beautiful woman.

So it was morning.

When I woke up Pervin was already gone. I got dressed and went downstairs. My mom wasn't at home. I noticed Mert. He was sitting in the chair, still stupefied. By going for:

"What's the matter with you, Mert? I see you as mindfully for a long time. If you have any problem, you can talk with me."

He looked at my face inanely: "nothing" he slurred over.
"I am getting late for business now but we'll talk on evening."

While I was on the way, Pervin called me. She still couldn't believe what happened that night. Well, I can't believe it either. I talked for a while and hung up. My phone rang again. I opened. Caller was Mert's school principal, "we need to talk urgently," he said. I have to go desperate, even if I'm late, obviously it's an important issue.
I went to principal's room, I sat down. The school principal: He told me that "Mert quit basketball.". I was surprised too much, "why" I asked.
"He said that the team will participate in the tournament in some countries abroad, and a hundred thousand money is demanded for expenses such as visa and hotel expenses. We had two days. Now I understand why Mert was so upset. We had almost no money. I can't stand Mert's sadness. But I have to find this money.

By looking at the principal:

"Mert is also coming. I'll bring that money to you. "

While the principal is playing with his pencil in his hand, he looked at me:

" You'd better hurry, because we don't have much time, otherwise we'll take another student in Mert's place."

I promised to bring this money and left.

Yes, I promised, but how can I find this money? If I ask my sister, no no don't even think it will talk for forty years.

While working, my mind was always on Mert. I was suffocating. The waitress was a girl; She is of medium height, with black eyebrows and dark eyes. Her name was Buket. I wasn't very sincere .

By coming to me in break-time:

"What's the matter with you? All day, you suffocated." "nothing" I evaded. I had to explain the matter to her because of her insistent attitude.

I told her I needed a hundred thousand. Leaning her back against the wall, cigarette in hand, she took a breath, looking straight ahead. By leaving its inhalation:

"We find, don't think so much."
"I know someone. He lends you a loan."
"Why will he lend, he does not know me?"
" We'll introduce you girl, it's okay. Don't go out tonight, wait for me."
she said and she threw her cigarette to floor and pressed on it, then she went.

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