229: Can't Replicate or Duplicate

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"It's just that if you go before you tell us," Ruby said. "We won't know what to do. I've been thinking since we got back that I don't know anything about a world without magic in it."

"Didn't you think you lived in one of those up till a few months ago?" Wally said.

"You adjust quickly," Winter said. "I mean, there is plenty to do... but what could be done and what should be done are different."

"You could start by resting," Shine said dryly. "Really, Winter, you never stop working."

"Tell me about it," Qrow said.

"You should talk, Uncle Qrow," Ruby said.

"Heh... yeah..." Qrow had to admit she was right.

"I just don't know if aimlessly try to have fun is my version of enjoying freedom," Oscar mused. "I feel like I should be doing something with it."

"Well, there's nothing wrong with resting for a bit," Shine said pragmatically. "We usually do after an ordeal... You see we are now. But if you feel lost, I think I understand. It was simpler for me. I had the pattern laid out already. Still, I had to learn what I was good at. I never thought it'd be this."

"Same," Wally said. "But it's making more sense now. In a way I've been ready for this my whole life, building up to it, I mean."

Shine mused. "Perhaps we're not the best source of knowing how to live in your world. After all, if we fit well into our own, we'd be less effective at this."

"On the other hand, who knows better than you how to fit into a new world?" Weiss countered.

They laughed.

"Well, she has a point," Wally said.

"Hmm," Shine said. "Well, what would we tell them if they were us?"

Wally rubbed his head. "I'm not great at advice like this..."

"Sure you are," Shine said.

Cinder rolled her eyes at Wally's lack of confidence.

"I guess off the cuff?" Wally thought back. "I think I tried too hard at first, you know? Sometimes stuff just had to fall into place. And I wish I'd taken more time to learn about this place. Skimping on that was definitely a mistake. In the long run, I think I just learned the most about Remnant from hanging with you guys and fighting with you and walking a day in your shoes. Glad that's the way it went. Usually I just blast in and out of a crime scene and fix it and leave. I don't have to get to know the people that well. I just don't have time. But it's different when you know them. Helping is a lot harder when you know the situation, but it's... better, I think."

"There's a time and place for both," Shine amended. "And your speed has helped a lot. I wouldn't put it down."

"But you know what I mean," Wally said. "You get it..."

"I guess that advice translates to you all would do well not to worry so much about what you'll do for a while," Shine said. "Didn't rushing in before get you poor results? You understand more now, but you can keep growing. And with that you'll find what it is you need to do. Some of you may already know. But if you don't it's fine. It takes some people 30 years to find a calling. In the meantime, just do whatever good you can do well and leave the rest. You all have these bigs idea of heroism, and that's wonderful, but it took 80 for Moses to be ready to lead the Israelites and 500 for Noah to be ready to sail the Ark and 30 years for Jesus to even start doing miracles. God can do a lot with a little time, and you all don't need to worry about rushing Him or yourselves."

"Didn't you tell us you started this job when you were 14?" Oscar said.

"That's only because DJ-ing is easier for younger people," Shine shrugged. "The lack of bias is a good thing. But I wouldn't say I've found my only true calling. At home, I'm still working on it. And what of our two friends? They took thousands of years, so you see it's not formulaic. Don't worry about trying to copy us. We're only your models in some ways."

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