Sunshine and Muddy Trousers <3

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The sun beat on Regulus Black's face the moment he stepped outside the castle. Students bustled around, and Regulus couldn't help but watch all the smiling faces as students enjoyed the afternoon off.

Regulus began to sweat in his jumper, though, and ducked around a corner where he could get some peace.

He sat down against the wall, pulling out a heavy book and relishing the familiar feel of the weight in his hands. He loved this book. It was his childhood favorite and still his favorite to this day.

Carefully, Regulus peeled off his jumper, sweating under the sun. He stood up and laid the jumper on the ground, sitting on it to keep his trousers clean.

He took a look at his pale arms, suddenly wishing he had picked a shadier spot. Ignoring the fact that he was going to look like a lobster tomorrow, Regulus stretched out his legs and set open his book in his lap.

Once he was a few chapters in, he felt eyes on him. The hair on the back of his neck stood up, and he tensed, a natural reaction for a Black heir.

Regulus jerked his head up to see James Potter... his new friend, leaning against a wall and looking at Regulus with a pensive expression.

Regulus regarded James silently, taking in his sweaty hair and bare feet. His t-shirt was soaked with sweat, and the bottom of his shorts were drenched.

"What happened to you?" Regulus asked, raising an eyebrow at James as he closed his book slightly.

James' eyes sparkled as he walked over to Regulus, a proper grin on his face.

"Sirius, Remus, Peter, and I were catching frogs in the lake, but Sirius was too chicken to get in the water and Remus was still sore, and Peter can't swim so I went in the water to see if I could catch one and-"

James stopped suddenly. Regulus was still looking at him intently, hanging on to every word.

"Sorry," James apologized, "I'm rambling."

"No, go on," Regulus prompted, smiling a bit as he closed his book the rest of the way and turned his body towards James attentively.

James' eyes lit up once more, and he continued, taking another step closer to Reg. Regulus could see the swamp water dripping from James' shorts and down his toned legs.

"Well, I caught this huge bullfrog. I'm calling him Ben, you know, Ben the bullfrog. He croaked at me when I was holding him but I think we're friends, he was totally chill when he was sitting in my hand."

James finished with a quick inhale as he sat down against the wall next to Regulus.

So...what are you reading?"

"Alice in Wonderland," Regulus responded with a soft smile, running his hand over the cover of his book absentmindedly.

"I haven't read that in years!" James exclaimed, looking at the book intently. "Could I...could i borrow it when you're finished?"

Regulus smiled slightly at James' hesitant tone. Big, tough James was really an easily excitable, anxious nerd.

"If you'd like," Regulus responded, calming in an attempt to sound reassuring and help ease James nerves.

When James continued to sit silently, his chest rising and falling in a slower pattern than before, during his excited storytelling. Regulus opened his book slowly, unsure whether or not James was done.

Quiet surrounded the two, with the only noise being the occasional chirping bird and James' heavy breathing. Regulus continued to read silently for a few minutes, getting lost in the pages. He was focused on the fantasy world that he almost didn't hear when James piped up.

"Wait, don't turn the page. I'm not done," James murmured absentmindly, reaching out and stopping Regulus.  Regulus froze at James' warm hand on his, his face heating up.

Regulus shifted his posture a bit, leaning closer to James to give him a better view.

James strained his eyes against the sun, trying to read the words on the page through some difficulty. Regulus noticed this quickly and sighed, adjusting again so he was leaning against James and began reading softly.

"When I used to read fairy tales, I fancied that kind of thing never happened, and now here I am in the middle of one!" Regulus read softly, James relaxing.

After a while of the two of them reading in the sun, Regulus felt James' very calm demeanor stiffen. He stopped, turning his head to look at James.

"What's wrong?" Regukus asked softly, raising an eyebrow and closing his book again.

"Are you okay? What, uh...what happened?" James asked, gesturing to his collarbone, just about where it connected with his left shoulder. Regulus reached up and touched his own, wincing a bit at the pain.

"Ah yes...if I remember correctly, that was because I was disrespectful."

"'re not serious." James' voice was quiet and full of worry for the younger boy. All Regulus did was shrug.

"Can I see?" James asked tentatively. Regulus pulled his t-shirt down from his neck and shoulder, wincing a bit when James' warm hands touched his bruise.

"Gentle," Regulus hissed in pain, closing his eyes and leaning his head back against the wall.

James froze. "I'm so sorry, Reg..."

Regulus let out a short, breathy chuckle at James' concern. "It's okay, James."

"It's not... I'm sorry. This shouldn't... I wish there was more I could do."

"James. I promise, I'm okay." 

James prodded at Regulus' sore shoulder cautiously but quickly got distracted by tracing the constellation of freckles on Reg's skin.

Regulus hummed and slowly relaxed into the gentle touch, something he wasn't used to. He opened his book again, leaning closer to James in the sun as the older boy traced patterns on his pale skin.

Regulus began reading again, his voice soft as he led James back into the fairytale world as the two boys began to turn red under the warm sun.

(1000 words exactly. Sorry, I've been going through some...stuff, lol. But i'm finally updating. It's barely edited, but i hope you enjoy. It's just a little fluff to get you all by until i have the time and energy to sit down and write something good and dramatic. - T)

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