Caring <3

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James startled awake, a gasp-like sob escaping his lips. He covered his mouth with his hands quickly, stifling any further sounds. He didn't want to wake Sirius, who's soft snores could be heard from the bed next to him.

Remus stirred briefly, but rolled over and went back to sleep. James sighed with relief, pushing the covers off his body and swinging his legs over the side of his bed.

Clumsily, he set his glasses on his nose and over his bleary eyes, pushing the sweaty hair off his forehead.

The wooden floor was cold on his feet, causing a shiver to run through him. He made his way downstairs to the common room, swiping Sirius' ridiculous dog slippers on the way.

James tiptoed out to the hall, wandering aimlessly to clear his head. The old halls creaked under each step. Other than that, it was silent in the corridors of the school.

A soft humming reached James' ears. He followed it, following the soft song until he reached the library.

James opened the door slowly, wincing at the loud creak it made.
He poked his head through the door, catching sight of Regulus sitting on the couch with a textbook and humming under his breath.

Slowly, James poked his head in further, flinching at the creak from the door. Regulus looked up, his face resembling a deer in headlights.

"Potter," Regulus sighed, closing his book. He pinched the bridge of his nose. "You scared the hell out of me."

"Sorry," James murmured softly, his voice scratchy.

Regulus studied James a little more closely. The tear tracks down his cheeks, the distracted look in his eyes...something was wrong.

"James," Regulus started again, his voice a little gentler. "Are you alright?"

"Yes. Yes, I'm fine. Don't worry about it."

"James..." Regulus repeated, trailing off. He swung his legs down off the couch, making room for James to sit next to him.

Against his better judgement, James lowered himself down on the couch next to Regulus. His leg bounced consistently with nerves, bad enough that Regulus set a hand on his knee. 

James froze instantly. All he could feel was Regulus' warm hand on his knee.

Regulus pulled back self-consciously. "Sorry," he murmured but before he had a chance to continue, James pulled his hand back and set it on his knee.

"Is that okay? I'm...I'm making myself nauseaus with the bouncing but if it's-"

"Shh, James. It's okay," Regulus murmured, sitting a little closer to James. "You're okay."

"I'm sorry. I know I'm not allowed to run to you with my problems anymore," James' voice broke and he put his head in his hands.

"It's okay. Hey, James...look at me," Regulus ordered softly, putting his hands on James' cheeks and pulling his head back up. "Did you have another nightmare?"

James nodded in response, collapsing into Regulus and breaking into sobs.

"Same one?" Regulus asked tentatively.

James nodded into Regulus' chest, sobs racking through his body.

"No one hates you my love...I swear. And just because we're not together anymore doesn't mean I'm not gonna be here for you."

James continued to sob into Regulus' chest, burrowing his face closer as Regulus took his glasses off and set them aside.

After a few minutes, James finally calmed and pulled his head back, wiping tears off his face.

"Cmon," Regulus said, nudging James gently. "I'll make you some tea."

James chuckled lightly through his tears and allowed Regulus to help him up.

They snuck down the hall, giggling at the creaks in the floorboards and shushing eachother.

Eventually, they made it to the kitchen. Carefully, the two boys crept into the kitchen. Regulus patted the counter absentmindedly and James hopped up, almost out of routine.

Regulus put the kettle on and began ransacking the cupboards for mugs and herbs.

James sighed contently and layed his head in his hand, unaware of how fast he was drifting back off.

Regulus watched silently as James fell asleep again, his chin cupped in his right hand. His eyelashes fluttered against his freckled cheeks gently.

Regulus quickly moved to grab the kettle before it screamed bloody murder for someone to attend to it. He poured two mugs of hot water and dropped the tea bags in.

James' eyes slowly opened again when he heard Regulus jump up onto the counter next to him. "Here," he whispered softly, handing James the steaming mug. His glasses fogged immidiantly.

This was all too familiar for the two of them. Regulus put his head on James' shoulder as the two silently drank their tea.

After a while, James began to drift off again. Regulus carefully took the almost empty mug from his hand and set it down on the counter.

"James," Regulus whispered softly. James didn't stir. "C'mon love, I can't carry you."

James groaned as he straightened up, rubbing his eyes. Regulus handed James' glasses back and slid off the counter, holding a hand out.

James took it without hesitation and allowed Regulus to lead him back down the corridors and to the library, too tired to giggle at the creaky floors and doors.

Regulus moved the rest of his stuff and took James'glasses off his nose again, setting them of the table with his books.

James flopped onto the couch immidiantly, and Regulus quickly followed, wrapping his arms around James.

"Get some sleep James."


"It's okay. We'll talk in the morning. I'm here."

(908 words - i barely's really late. Feel free to point out mistakes to fix!)

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