Enemy <3

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Regulus believed himself to be an open-minded person, all considered. He was generally cordial with people, polite to a fault, and was a remarkable role model in the eyes of all the professors at Hogwarts.

Regulus prided himself on having a good head on his shoulders. Growing up the way he did, he knew how to play a role. He thought before he spoke. He found himself to be easily adaptable to any situation.

Well. Except one.

James fucking Potter was the very bane of Regulus' waking days. He was the thorn in Regs' side, the pebble in his shoe. James Potter was absolutely, irrevocably infuriating. 

And hot.

He would never admit it to anyone, of course. He knew he would never live it down, thinking James Potter, Gryffindor's golden boy, was hot. Regulus could have gone on with this little secret. He could have gone on being adaptable, level-headed, and calm.

Wishful thinking, he supposed now, while he lay next to a snoring James Potter, skin against skin and legs tangled together. James had fallen asleep quickly, probably exhausted from their little spat, and everything that came after but Reg couldn't sleep. He was mulling over the night, allowing his thoughts to run wild with different scenarios.

And to think this all started when James knocked over Regulus' ink.

"Are you dense, Potter?" Regulus snapped loudly, jolting up to avoid the spillage of the dark liquid. His parchment was drenched and James looked rather sheepish. The class had gone silent when Regulus raised his voice, all surprised at his harsh tone.

"Are you just going to sit there like a deer in headlights?! Merlin's sake!"

"Lower your voice," James said under his breath, his tone even.

"You better be messing with me right now Potter, because I swear to Merlin if you start treating me like one of your hysterical little girlfriends-"

"Gentlemen!" Professor Slughorns' voice boomed suddenly, causing Regulus to freeze. "What is the meaning of disrupting my entire class?"

"I apologize, sir," Regulus replied, practically sounding rehearsed. His face was red with embarrassment. He slid back into his seat, looking at the mess on the table and avoiding the eyes of everyone in the room.

"Detention, both of you," Slughorm sighed, before going back to his lesson and wondering why he had chosen this profession.

Regulus was furious. James Potter had spilled ink on his work, embarrassed him in front of the class, and got him detention. Slughorn droned on but Regulus didn't retain a single word, watching the clock.

When the bell rang and all the other students got up, excited to start their long weekends, James and Regulus stayed seated. Both boys knew the drill. Slughorn pointed at both of them, simply giving them a stern look before leaving the room, and closing the door behind him.

Regulus got up, pacing for a moment before hoisting himself up onto a different desk, still glaring at James from where he was perched.

James fidgeted with his quill absentmindedly, ignoring the daggers that Regulus was sending him. 

"This is your fault, you know," Regulus snapped, continuing to glare at James. He tapped his fingers against the desktop, filled with energy. 

"You're the one who started shouting in the middle of the lesson," James reasoned, not even bothering to look at Regulus when he spoke. This, of course, only infuriated Regulus more.

"Are you serious?! Potter-"

"Regulus," James said, his voice still infuriatingly calm and level. He was doodling on the desk absentmindedly. Regulus could slap him.

Jegulus: Oneshots &lt;3حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن