"My Love."

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103°," Regulus Black sighed, his voice uncharacteristically gentle. "You're not going anywhere for a couple days, my love."

James Potter lie in bed, blankets pulled up to his chin, exposing his pale face and petulant pout.

"It's not fair! I had plans this weekend! What if I took a few doses of the medicine now and was better by tonight?"

"James, you have to know it doesn't work like that," Reg said gently, pushing the hair off of James face. It was damp with sweat from his hot forehead.
His glasses were practically fogged with steam.

"This isn't fair!" James snapped again, much to Regulus' dismay. He didn't like seeing James upset, but he also did not like his tone.

"James," Reg said, his voice a bit more firm this time around.

James looked like he wanted to continue arguing but the remaining color drained from his face and his eyes went wide.

Reg grabbed the bin near him and handed it to James, who immidiantly emptied the few contents in his stomach. Regulus cringed, forgetting the scolding and rubbing James back. His hand hovered close to grab James' glasses, if they were to slip. 

Eventually, James stomach settled and he collapsed back onto the pillows, gasping a bit as he tried to get some air back to his lungs. Reg felt a pang of heartache for his boy.

"What can I do for you, love?"

James only shook his head in response. There was no more protests about being home sick and missing out on the fun. James was simply too exhausted to care.

Regulus grabbed the bin, stifling a gag. Vomit made him nauseaus. But this was what the day called for and dammit, he was going to help his boyfriend to the best of his abilities.

He had taken care of Sirius when he was sick. He had the skill. All Regulus had to do was stomach the queasy feeling he had and take care of James.

Reg emptied the bin quickly, rinsing it out with cold water before he returned to James, setting the bin close.

"Reg?" James asked, his voice weak.

"What is it my darling?"

"Will you sit with me?"

Without a second thought, Regulus planted himself down next to James on the bed, sitting against the headboard and slowly pulling James head into his lap.

James murmured appreciatively when he felt Regs nimble fingers tangle in his hair, soothing him.

Regulus felt as his boy relaxed into his touch, feeling a swell of pride at being able to do something, anything, to make him feel better.

"Mon amour," he whispered to James softly, enjoying the sleepy smile that spread across James face.

"Mm...say more nice things," James murmured drowsily.



Regulus crumbled. There was no denying James anything in this state, his sweet boy was nauseaus and uncomfortable, and oh so adorable with that sleepy grin on his face. 

"Eh bien, puisque vous avez demandé si gentiment."

Reg smiled, knowing all too well that James didn't speak a lick of french, but loved listening to him speak it.

"Mon chérie..." Reg trailed off a bit, watching James closely.

James only smiled sleepily in response, looking up at Regulus. Reg met his eyes, and watched as James' drooped, giving into exhaustion.

Regulus continued to pull his fingers through James' hair gently, whispering soft praise and pet names in french and James' breathing leveled out.

Slowly, Reg lifted James glasses off his face and set them on the table near the bed. James stirred slightly but didn't wake and Regulus' heartbeat leveled again.

"Goodnight my love," he whispered gently.

Regulus couldn't believe how lucky he was, smiling to himself silently as he left the room.

(622 words - sorry it's a little short, I've been working alot this week. Feel free to comment if I need to fix anything, I have a bad habit of editing late at night<3)

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