Mum's Approval <3

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Regulus walked down the stairs slowly, rubbing sleep out of his eyes. He was still in pajama bottoms and one of Sirius' band shirts, disoriented from how late you slept. 

The clock in the Potter's brightly lit kitchen read 11am, and the sun was shining brightly through the windows.

Regulus had never been allowed to sleep this long. He was surprised his body even allowed it, considering he was so accustomed to waking up early. 

A familiar voice broke into his thoughts. The warm, cheerful voice that he could listen to all day. James.

Regulus started towards the living room, standing close to the wall to hear better. He couldn't help it. It was in his nature to be nosy.

James was speaking in a tone Regulus wasn't used to. He sounded timid. Soft.

"You're not...disappointed in me?" He asked cautiously, his voice quiet.

"Of course not love," Mrs.Potters cheerful voice broke through the house, her tone surprised. "Does he make you happy?"

"He really does, mum," James replied. Regulus could hear the smile in his voice, accompanied by immense relief at his mother's support.

"I don't care who you love James. As long as they make you happy."

Regulus felt a tear slide down his cheek. He was so happy for his love, so glad that James didn't have to stress over what his parents would think anymore.

But Regulus knew he would never have that. He would never have any acceptance from his mother, much less affection and support. That stung a bit.

He heard James haul on his shoes, going outside to help Sirius and Mr. Potter in the garage. Regulus allowed himself to slide down the wall, covering his mouth to stifle a sob that was threatening to break through. 

"Honey?" A quiet voice asked from Regulus' left. Regulus quickly wiped his face with the back of his hand and forced a small smile, standing up.

"Yes, sorry. Thank you again for your hospitality ma'am," Regulus replied, his voice shaking a bit.

"Aren't you polite. Let's hope it rubs off on James." Mrs.Pottee grinned cheekily. "Come sit with me. I made tea."

Regulus followed her to the couch and sat down, consciously aware of his posture. He straightened up and watched quietly as Mrs.Potter set a plate of biscuits and two cups of tea on the coffee table.  

Regulus took a sip from his cup, basking in the warm feeling that spread through his chest. Mrs.Potter sipped from her own cup, watching Regulus out of the corner of her eye.

"Thank you ma'am," Regulus said appreciatively, not meeting her eyes.

"I'm not old enough to be a ma'am," Mrs. Potter mockingly scolded, wagging a finger at him playfully.

Reg smiled a bit and lifted a biscuit off the plate, studying it a bit while he sipped tea.

"Do you love my son?"

Regulus choked on his tea, coughing and spluttering weakly. He set his cup down again, looking at Mrs.Potter. "Pardon?"

"Sorry dear," she said fretfully, patting Regulus on the back lightly. "It's just that... when James falls, he falls hard.  It's all or nothing. I only want to make sure you have his best interests at heart."

"I can't promise you anything," Regulus replied weakly. "You know my family. You know where I'm from."

"We are not our families, Regulus, and we are not our pasts," Mrs.Potter said firmly.

She set a hand on Regulus' shoulder gently, cringing internally when he flinched slightly at the touch.

Her words went to Regulus' head. He mulled over what she had said, tapping his foot against the oak floor.

"I love your son," he said quietly, looking at the carpet, "and I'm really scared I'll mess it up."

"Have you seen my boy?" Mrs.Potter smiled at Reg, slowly tussling his hair. "He's infatuated with you."

"What do you mean?" Regulus asked quietly, finally meeting her eyes.

"James lights up when you walk in a room, dear. Do you know how many times he changed his shirt this morning before you woke up?"

The thought of James nervously changing his shirt made Regulus' reserved smile crack open. This didn't escape Mrs. Potters notice.

She pulled Regulus close, moving slowly as if not to startle him.

Regulus allowed himself to be pulled into the hug, his body stiff at first. He relaxed into her arms after a moment, and Mrs. Potter kissed the top of his head.

"You know you always have a place to stay here, right?"

"Thank you," Reg responded, his voice soft and appreciative. Mrs. Potter released him from her clutches and smiled at him.

"I'm sure you're aching to go talk to him."

Regulus nodded, his leg bouncing at a slightly more erratic pace. He was itching to kiss James.

Mrs.Potter rolled her eyes. "Alright, alright. Go on," she said dismissively, waving a hand.  Regulus hopped up and darted outside, still in his socks and pj's.

"Fools," Mrs.Potter muttered affectionately under her breath.

Regulus quickly located James, beckoning him away from his father and leading him a few meters away.

He studied James for a moment. His boyfriend's freckled face was tan, colored from the sun. There was a smudge of grease on his cheek and another on his glasses.

Stretching up on his tiptoes, Reg licked his thumb and wiped James' cheek with it gently. "Dirtball," he whispered affectionately.

"You're in a good mood," James remarked with a smile, grabbing Regulus' hand to keep it against his cheek.

"I had a talk with your mom."

James immidiantly went red. "Oh Merlin, please no."

"You are a sentimental sap," Regulus teased, pecking James on the lips lightly, "and I love it. I love you."

"I love you too."

(1002 words - do y'all want a Christmas special? <3 T)

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