Rebound <3

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*not smut but...little more explicit than usual*

"Mate, screw Lily!" Sirius Black called over the loud club music. "Go show her what she's missing!"

Sirius' eyes were lined with dark liner and his face was dusted with glitter. Surely Marlene's doing, James thought. He stared depressingly over the crowd of people.

"Perk up James, we're having fun!" Marlene called from besides Sirius, taking his arm quickly as an upbeat song started.

James didn't react.

Sirius let out a sigh and patted his mate on the back emphatically. He allowed Marlene to drag him out on the dance floor, swaying his hips to the music.

James stayed at the bar, perched on a bar stool and looking over the crowd miserably.

That's when he walked in.

James had never seen a prettier boy in his life. His jet black hair was slicked back with so much gel, it likely wouldn't have moved in a hurricane. His eyes were lined faintly with black eyeliner, light glitter on his inner corners.

James couldn't tear his eyes away. The boy was in black ripped jeans, highlighting his curves, and a dark emerald cropped shirt, giving James the perfect view of his pale, lean stomach.

He was talking to some guy that James prayed wasn't his boyfriend. He nearly jumped when the mysterious boy met his eyes.

Quickly, James looked away, his face growing hot. He turned back to watching Sirius and Marlene, who were getting way into the slow song.

He almost jumped out of his skin when he felt a tap on his shoulder.
Slowly, James turned around to be faced with the mysterious boy earlier.

"You're staring," the boy pointed out, smirking. His tone was teasing but the way he was looking into James' eyes meant business.  

"Sorry," James blurted out quickly, looking away from the peircing green eyes.

"Reg," the mysterious boy introduced, holding out a hand.

"James." James hated how meek his voice sounded but Reg didn't seem to mind.

"So, James," Reg leaned in close to James' ear, practically purring. "Do you want to go somewhere more quiet?"

James panicked. This wasn't what he expected at all. He wasn't sure what he expected, mind you. Maybe to be beat up by Regs boyfriend. Which is still a possibility. He had to talk to Sirius.

Reg seemed to sense James panicking and layed a hand on his knee. James could feel the warmth of Reg's hand through his jeans, making color continue to climb to his face.

"Okay, how about let me buy you a drink?"

James nodded, still stunned that this amazing, gorgeous boy even wanted to talk to him. "I've just- I'm just gonna let my mates know, incase we leave," James managed to stutter out. Reg smiled at him and winked as James slid off the bar stool and stumbled towards the dance floor.

"Jamey!" Sirius shouted, grabbing James. He smelled like butterbeer.

"Sirius, I've um...I've met a guy. I think we're gonna go hang out."

"Good for you James! Be safe, and if you need anything-"

"I know Siri. Have a good night! If you don't hear from me by tomorrow..." James let his warning trail off and Sirius slapped him on the back again before going back to dancing.

James made his way back through the crowded dancefloor and to Reg, who was still waiting at the bar.

His face lit up when he seen James coming. "So, now can I buy you that drink?"

James nodded appreciatively and slid into the seat beside him.

The two ordered, both tall butterbeers and started to talk, James more nervously than Regulus.

"So what's a handsome guy like yourself doing alone tonight?" Regulus asked James with a flirtatious grin.

"I could ask you the same thing," James admitted, running the back of his neck. He was usually so smooth with girls! Why was this any different?

"But uh, my girlfriend...she dumped me."

"I'm sorry to hear that," Regulus said sincerely, looking James in the eye.

James blushed again, embarassed that he was acting like a starstruck teenager. 

Regulus' hand found his way to James knee again. "She's missing out."

"Yeah well," James cleared his throat, trying not to stare at Regulus' hand.
"She was too good for me anyway."

Regulus leaned in closer this time, so close that James could smell the intoxicating scent of his cologne.

"You've got to learn to say something good about yourself for once," he practically purred in James' ear.

James shifted suddenly, increasingly aware of how tight his jeans were getting.

"How about we," he managed, his voice a little lower, "go somewhere private now?"

Reg grinned slyly and took James hand, weaving through the cross and slowly leading him towards the back of the establishment.

James was surprised to find a blocked off staircase, which ended up leading to an even more blocked off apartment.

"What..?" James asked, confusedly, still holding Reg's hand.

"I own the place darling," Regulus grinned, trailing his finger down James' cheek before turning back to unlock the door.

"Of course you do. You're so smart and perfect and- mmph," James was cut off by Reg kissing him roughly, slamming the door and pushing James to the bed.

James happily let himself be pushed down onto the fluffy black duvet, laying his arms above his head and smirking as he watched Regulus pull his shirt off. 

Regulus grinned and climbed back onto James, kissing him roughly while trying to unzip his jeans.

"Hold on love," James said huskily, cocking an eyebrow as he pulled away. He grabbed Reg's chin, tilting his head up. "You didn't think you were in charge, did you?" 

Easily, James flipped their position so he was towering over Reg, hands placed on either side of his head. "Okay?" He asked, his voice a little more gentle.

Reg nodded enthusiastically, and when James still didn't make a move, spoke up. "Yes. Yes, please." 

With the final confirmation, James grinned and got to work.

James woke up to the sun in his eyes, making him groan loudly.

"Oh, calm down now," Reg said teasing from the corner, pulling a shirt on.

"You're leaving?" James asked nervously, forgetting exactly where he was.

"No, this is my place," Reg said smoothly, leaning down to kiss James. "But I am going to make breakfast. Do you want to help, or stay here?"

James swung his legs over the side of the bed enthusiastically and followed Reg out to the kitchen, bounding on the balls of his feet like a puppy.

"That," he thought to himself, "was a hell of a rebound."

(1110 words:) Two updates in one day, who am I??? I hope you enjoy :)

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