Holiday Special <3

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"James, are you ready to go?" Regulus called to his boyfriend through the halls of their apartment. His voice echoed against the thin walls, repeating his phrase back to him.

James came running out of their bedroom excitedly, bouncing like a child. His cheeks were pink and eyes wide, grinning cheerfully.

Regulus smiled back, unable to help it. James had been begging and begging Regulus to take him skating, and as a final Christmas gift, Regulus agreed.

Regulus had been professionally figure skating from 9 years old and even though it was something forced upon him by his parents, he still missed it sometimes.

The two left the apartment, Regulus  locking the door simce James always forgot  Sure enough, James ran down the hall towards the elevators with no regard for the lock.

Bt the time they made it outside, James' nerves were starting to show. Regulus took James' cold hand in his gloves, kissing his knuckles gently.

"My love?" Regulus asked quietly, raising an eyebrow. James focused on Regulus' warm lips against his cold skin.

"I'm just a little nervous. It's fine," James assured Reg, shivering slightly.

Regulus sighed softly and peeled off his black gloves, pulling them over James' hands despite the protests fron his boyfriend.

'But sweetheart, your hands will be cold!"

"Then I guess you'll have to hold them," Regulus shrugged nonchalantly, secretly marveling in the blush the rose to James' face.

He never thought he'd have such an affect on someone, let alone James freaking Potter.

They started their walk, the snow falling in light flakes around them. It dusted Regulus' dark hair with white flakes, not the he minded. His earmuffs kept his ears warm, and his hand in James' braced his fingers against the cold.

When they arrived at the ice rink, James was in awe. The smooth ice sparkled and was remarkably empty, considering it was a Sunday afternoon.

Regulus sat down on the bench, dropping his bag and pulling out his figure skates. James watched silently as Regulus' graceful fingers worked on the laces of the skates, his focus impenetrable. This was routine for him, muscle memory.

James, on the other hand, was strugging. He was lent a pair of old hockey skates from a muggle friend and he could not get them tied properly for the life of him.

After watching James for a moment, Reg stepped in and laced up the skates tightly. James huffed and attempted to stand, causing him to pitch forward.

Reg grabbed him out of instinct, keeping him upright and chuckling softly. 'Whoa there tiger," he smirked, kissing James' forehead affectionately and tousling his hair.

Regulus slowly helped James out towards the ice, supporting half of his weight. When James finally stepped on the ice....he fell on his ass. 

Managing to choke back laughter, Regulus helped his boyfriend back up and make sure he was okay, showing him how to stand properly. This helped James' balance a bit, but he was still holding tightly on to Regs arm.

Working slowly, James' skills improved enough for him to stand up straight, albeit wobbly. He clutched the side rail , his lips pressed together frustratedly.

He fell and fell and fell again. He was beginning to lose motivation, ready to go home and cuddle up with a muggle Christmas movie.

And he could tell Reg was itching to skate.

"Go on," James sighed, allowing a small smile to cross his lips, "go skate. I'll be fine here."

"Are you sure? I'll be right back, I swear."

"Go on," James repeated teasingly. "I'll watch."

Regulus sped off, and James watched contently as his boyfriend skated around the ice, jumping and spinning in sequence.

He looked majestic and James couldn't help but think about how lucky he was.
Regulus looked so poised, so confident.

He slowly skated back to James after a little while, breathing hard and cheeks pink.

"Alright my love. Ready to try again?" He asked James with a soft smile 

"Merlin, no. My ass hurts and it's freezing."

"You're such a wuss,' Regulus chuckled , but he had already looped his arm through James' and was skating off the ice.

An hour or so later, the two boys were sitting in front of the fireplace, a large blanket over their shoulders.

James' glasses were fogged from the steaming mug of hot cocoa in his hands, and Regulus continuing shivering, despite the warm drink.

James pulled Regulus closer under the blanket and his shivering subsided a bit in James' embrace.

" was skating?" Regulus asked, his voice tentative.

"Oh Merlin. Never again."

Regulus pecked James lips with a smile. "You're too used to being good at everything you try.'

James pouted. "It's harder than it looks!"

"I know my darling," Regulus chuckled softly, running a hand through his hair. "Trust me. I know."

"You know, I actually forgot your last gift," James spoke up suddenly, standing up, "I'll be right back."

He was gone before Regulus could protest his loss of warmth.

James didn't come back right away. Regulus stood up and was about to go searching when James reappeared, empty-handed.

"Good, you're back. I'm freezing," Regulus complained absentmindly. He turned around to grab the blanket off the floor and when back to complain to James again about the weather when his heart stopped.

James Potter was down on one knee, holding a silver band in a velvet box.

Regulus felt like his throat was closing, pressure building up behind his eyes.

"Regulus Arcturus Black," James started, his eyes glistening, "you are the best thing that ever happened to me. You are my best friend, my soulmate, my partner in crime," James' voice broke a bit and he wiped his eyes with his free hand.

"I couldn't live without you. You are my safe space, my oxygen, and my home. Reg, would you do me the honor-" James started.

Regukus felt his breath hitch as a tear slipped down his cheek. He clamped a hand over his mouth to silence the cries that were threatening to escape.

"-of being my husband?" James finished, his hands shaking.

"Yes," Regulus whispered. James perked up a bit, not sure if he heard correctly.

"Yes," Reg repeated, teats streaming down his face now as he grinned. "Yes of course I'll marry you, you idiot."

James felt a tear slide down his cheek as well as he stood up, sliding the ring onto Regs slender finger and pulling him close.

Regulus held James tightly, both of them laughing with relief. Regulus pulled back after a moment and kissed James passionately.

"I love you so much Potter."

"I love you too Reggie."

(1111 words. Technically this is on time as it's only 11:56pm on Christmas day where I am;) I hope you guys enjoy, and Happy Holidays! -T)

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