Bruises <3

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(Actually adding a tw. Implied abuse. Proceed with caution)

"James Fleamont Potter!"

The shrill voice startled James from where he sat, nose in his potions textbook and feet balanced on the coffee table. The Gryffindor common room was completely quiet, which wasn't too surprising given the fantastic weather outside. Most of the students were out enjoying the sun.

Slowly, almost timidly, James pulled his head out from behind the textbook. Regulus Black, the younger, cuter Black stood in front of him, arms crossed and brow furrowed.

"Tell me it's not true," Regulus demanded the instant James made eye contact.

"Okay, it's not true," James replied, setting his potions book down patiently and focusing on Reg  "Care to enlighten me about why you're so upset?"

Regulus was tapping his foot, and fidgeting with the cuff of his robes, his eyes not focusing on a particular spot. "People are saying stuff, James..."

James raised an eyebrow and gestured for Regulus to continue. Sighing and pushing the dark hair out of his eyes, Regulus finally looked at James again. James' heart thudded a bit at the intensity of Regulus' gaze.

"Let me see your hands," Regulus ordered suddenly, not explaining further. James instinctively pulled his hands closer to his body, hiding them in his red and gold jersey.

Regulus quickly closed the distance between them at James' refusal, grabbing James. Being much smaller than his boyfriend, Regulus was easily pushed back onto the couch.

James winced as he pushed Reg, firmly but not aggressively. He had hoped it escaped the younger boys' notice. It hadn't.

Reg began breathing more fanatically, drawing in short, weak breaths as anxiety filled him.

'Relax," James ordered, sitting back down across from Regulus and keeping his hands buried.

"I'm not gonna ask you again Potter,' Regulus snapped back, "if you have nothing to hide, show me your hands."

And thus, the usual power struggle began. Regulus was back on his feet,  grabbing James by the front of his shirt. James quickly retaliated by throwing Regulus onto the couch and climbing on top of him.

"Easy. You're stressing yourself out," James muttered, pushing Reg's hair out of his face with one hand whilst keeping the other planted on the couch just left of Reggie's head. He kissed Regulus lightly, smiling softly to ease the boy into a calmer state.

Regulus knocked the two of them from the couch onto the floor, glaring at James as he caged him against the floor. When James moved quickly to push Reggie off, he let out a yelp. 

Regulus quickly backed off at the distressed noise to give James a little space. James was clearly in a good amount of pain as he seemed to forget about hiding that fact. His teeth were gritted together and his eyes squeezed shut as he tried to regulate his breathing again.

"James," Regulus started impatiently, "what the hell happened?"

James let out a short sigh and pulled himself up, sitting on the floor with his back against the couch. He cradled his arm towards his chest carefully. He didn't say anything, avoiding Regulus' eye.

"James...I'm not gonna be mad. Just tell me what happened."

"I'm okay Regulus."

"Give me your hands," Regulus repeated, gently this time.

James moved his hands forward carefully and gave them to Regulus who quickly studied them. James' knuckles were bruised and swollen, cracked in a few places.

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