Happy New Years <3

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It was an unusually warm evening considering it was the end of December. The air was humid, and the ground damp as the little bit of Christmas snow melted.

Students buzzed with excitement around Hogwarts, ready for the new year and the new prospects that came with it.

The older Slytherin students were setting off fireworks to start the new year off with a bang. Regulus was warned by Evan, who knew of his nerves. Regulus relayed the message to Sirius. He knew Sirius would have it worse.

Sirius was tucked in with Remus in the dorm, likely under the blankets, and pressed back in the teen werewolf's arms. Loud noises had always startled Sirius.

The next person Regulus told about the fireworks display was his boyfriend,  James. He knew James would be excited at the prospect of fireworks...or explosions in general.

James had been bouncing all day, giddy with anticipation. Regulus couldn't help but smile at the sight. When the school day was finally over, the two went their separate ways to various after-class activities.

11:30 pm rolled around, and Regulus met up with James on the school grounds, James grinning ear to ear. The grounds were packed with students, all eagerly awaiting the fireworks.

Regulus sighed and threw an extra pair of gloves at James, who was already rubbing his hands together for warmth.

He had on a maroon baseball cap backward, his hair effectively being kept out of his eyes. James was also wearing his signature Gryffindor sweater and jeans, casual and absurdly handsome.

Regulus, on the other hand, had dressed warmly in a black turtleneck and long coat.

"I told you it was gonna get cold, love," he sighed as James rubbed his arms a bit for warmth. James only smiled in response, still bouncing on the balls of his feet.

"When are they starting?" James asked impatiently. Regulus sighed and cupped James' cheek, rubbing his thumb over his cheekbone.

"Patience, darling."

Regulus' tone was as cool and smooth as ever but his tone was firm. James felt a blush rush to his face, his eyes darting around the crowd.

Eventually, James' legs grew tired and he and Regulus sat down on one of the window ledges, cuddled close for James' warmth. They talked in soft tones about their New Years' resolutions and plans.

When 11:58 rolled around, James was back on his feet, Regulus on his heels as he pushed his way to the front of the crowd.

Regulus just smiled quietly at his boyfriend. James' eyes shone with anticipation, staring up at the sky.

When the fireworks went off, Regulus' heart skipped. James grinned like an idiot, turning to Regulus as colored sparks illuminated the sky. "Aren't they pretty?" He asked excitedly, not even waiting for an answer before tearing his attention back to the sky.

Regulus wasn't even watching. He was staring at James, whose face was flushed and eyes wide. Regulus was simply admiring the sight.

He enjoyed seeing his boyfriend this excitedly, but he was relieved when the fireworks stopped after a few minutes.

When Regulus turned, another one went off unexpectedly. That's what did it.

James noticed the loss of Regulus' presence instantly. Confused, he searched the crowd for the familiar face but came up short.

Cautiously, he turned towards the castle and headed back inside, looking around the corridors. His panic was beginning to grow. Regulus wouldn't have just disappeared without letting him know.

James, as a last-ditch effort, bolted up the stairs to the dorm.


Sirius was already hopping up from Remus' warm embrace, hearing the panic in his best friend's voice.

"Prongs, hey, hey!" Sirius exclaimed, putting his hands on James's shoulders to stop him. Remus didn't stir. "What's going on mate?"

"Your brother--fireworks--gone," James choked out breathlessly, panting and allowing some of his weight to be supported by Sirius' hands on his shoulders.

"Okay, James. James,' Sirius said, his tone urgent. He tossed a look over his shoulder to make sure Remus was still asleep and lowered his voice a bit. "You're gonna give yourself a panic attack."

"He's gone Pads, I can't find him anywhere, he wouldn't just disappear unless something was wrong-"

Sirius cut James off. "Okay. It's okay. I'll help you find him...I have an idea where he might be."

"What's going on?" Remus murmured groggily, finally stirring into consciousness.

"Can't find my brother," Sirius responded gently, making his way back over to Remus. He bent down, pushing the hair off the boy's forehead and kissing him gently. "Stay in bed. I'll keep you updated."

"Sirius, I want to help-"

"Sweetheart," Sirius lowered his voice but James still heard his best friend's tone go soft for Remus, "stay in bed. You're exhausted from the moon."

"Fine,' Remus muttered, rolling back over and disappearing under the blankets. "Love you," Remus' muffled voice called out.

Sirius sighed and called back, "love you too."

James followed Sirius' lead, racing down staircases and, strangely enough, arriving in the kitchen.

"This isn't the best time for a snack Sirius," James joked weakly. Sirius smiled wryly in response before quietly bending down to one of the bigger cupboards. He opened the door carefully and James' heart sank.

Regulus was sitting with his knees pulled up to his chest and head tucked down, his hands visibly shaking.
Sirius looked at James, almost as if he was waiting for a negative reaction. 

James' heart felt like it was being ripped out of his chest.

"Reggie," Sirius said, his voice quiet. "Reg. You're okay."

Regulus slowly looked up at his older brother's calm voice. He had tear streaks down his cheeks, which he quickly tried to wipe away upon noticing James. 

Sirius backed up, making room for Regulus to come out of his hiding place. He did, slowly, leaning his back against the cupboard instead.  He waved a dismissive hand to the boys. "I'm fine."

Sirius smiled softly, tousling his brother's hair. "I'll leave you two to talk,' he whispered, patting James on the shoulder as he backed off. 

"Was it the fireworks?" James asked cautiously, sitting next to Regulus.

Regulus shrugged in response, not meeting James' eyes.

"You should have told me Reg. We could have had a quiet night in like Sirius and Remus"

"You were so excited," Regulus said weakly, looking at James, "I didn't want to ruin it."

"You wouldn't be ruining anything, my love," James assured him, touching his hand lightly. Regulus grabbed James' hand in response to the touch and put his head on James' shoulder, "I was just excited to spend time with you."

"You know..." Regulus said quietly, a mischievous glint no his eye, "I never got that New Year's kiss."

James grinned. "Your wish is my command love."

Regulus leaned in but James stopped him briefly. "But you're okay, right?"

Regulus nodded impatiently.

"Seriously. I'm here if you ever want to talk about it. And no secrets. I want you to be able to come to me. "

"Yes, fine James, no secrets. Kiss me, you fool."

And James did, ending the night with sparks of their own.

(Happy New Years guys. I'm sorry in advance cause I am still craving something SAD. so the next one....this is your warning. I love and appreciate you guys, your comments make my day<3 -T
P.S 1230 words)

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