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For two days, all I've been able to think about was Sebastian. At work, at home, and even in my dreams yet again. The idea of him clouds my mind like crazy, The way he slides his fingers across my skin.. the most I can do is think. He hasn't returned my calls or messages- I've assumed with moving he'd have so much going on so the last thing I want to do is pressure him into speaking to me.

"Oh sweet Avery" I tilt my body to look behind but remain in my previous position, elbows propped and hands slapped against my cheeks.

"Hmm," I questioned looking back at Holly as she waltzed towards me and poked my inflated cheek.

"You know, new guy Darren?" She begins and I nod waiting for the rest. "Well, Mr. Lazy has been doing no-call no-shows constantly this week, I've been covering a few of his shifts for extra money but honestly, I'm tired." she finishes leaning back into the counter keeping heavy eye contact.

"And?" I chuckle a bit sitting straight up. "Well, that's where you come in..." I cock my brows frowning at her.

"Yes, the boss wants you to stay until a little after 8." Holly smiles clasping her hands together.

"No way, I've already come in early these past two days. I can't work a 10-hour shift with my already so old fragile limbs" I whine dramatically, falling into her.

She chuckles patting my back as if I was really sad, "There there" she pulls back staring at me, "You do know middle-aged people work 12-hour shifts with no problem? That's the norm in this economy, suck it up." She blows an air kiss patting my shoulder.

"As for me.. my shift ends in— less than 2 minutes," she says looking at the watch on her wrist and ripping her apron off. "What are you doing tonight" I frown and so does she.

"I am going out with Tamara Damien and Amber... I was gonna ask if would you like to come but..." She fails to hide how excited she is to leave me in this not-so-aesthetically pleasing establishment.

"You're terrible, it's been so slow today Why can't he just close up shop early" I complain seeing as this place is almost filling with cobwebs.

"Now you know the customers love to show up when the stores close so why not stay open" she says confidently but soon shrugs her shoulders.

"If you're so confident why don't you work my shift and I go out with Tamara and the others," I say grabbing her coffee. "Orr.." Holly reaches for her coffee and sips on it, "We stick to the original plan and I love you forever?" She one arm hugs me and clocks out before running out of the shop like she's wearing heels.

I sigh to myself and walk around the counter to sit in a booth in this empty shop. I lean back watching the far corner where Jane usually is but nothing, She hasn't been showing up much lately. Perhaps that's a good thing, I've seen some guy come around with her and her smile seems more authentic each time she comes.. This has been the slowest day the shop has had in months and Andrew believes we need to stay open for after closing time.

"No wonder people just up and quit" I mumble to myself as I pull my phone into viewing, clicking and scrolling away as time passes by.

I've lost track of time when my phone buzzes from a text message.

What's that behind you?

My heart sinks to my stomach as I stare directly at the message afraid to face whatever god-forsaking thing is behind me. Not giving it any more thought, I turn in a swift motion only to find nothing. Fucking anonymous.

A thick heavy laugh fills the shop as a familiar sound alarms me of a customer.  I turn back to see no one but Alec comes through the doors as he continues laughing with his hands formed together.

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