Chapter 33 - Chemical Deterrent

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A jolt of terror galvanised Jett into action. She swept Gallant out of the way and rattled a disconnect command into the rig before tearing the plug free and bundling it back into the safety of her backpack. Wrenching the straps tight, she looked at Rapid.

"Tell me there's more than one way out of here?" she asked, a hint of desperation squeaking into her voice.

He rolled his eyes. "Course there is—how stupid you think I am, girl? Problem is it's on the far side of the damned room, and there's a lot of bolts flying between here and there."

"Well, we can't stay here!"

"Oh, ya think so?"

"SHUT UP!" Bronco bellowed, silencing them all in an instant, his eyes blazing with frustration. "Just shut up and get behind me."

For a moment, Jett didn't know how that would be much help.

Then the vulkin reached round and simply lifted the heavy table in the centre of the room, sending Rapid's documents scattering in all directions and hefting it across his body to form a mobile barricade. Sinew stood out on the sides of his neck as he strained, clumping towards the door with his burden.

"Right, I'm not going to be changing direction or slowing down," he rumbled, his hackles up and lips curling in a snarl. "So everybody get close and stay close."

No-one argued. Seeing the big vulkin riled up saw off any potential disagreement, and the group tucked themselves in tightly behind him as he positioned himself. Jett moved up behind him, taking a light grip of her hulking companion's belt. Then she reached back and took a tight hold of Karno's paw.

"Stick close," she whispered.

He nodded, squeezing her paw back reassuringly.

"Venzer," Rapid hissed to the injured guard. "Get outta sight and muzzle yourself, eh?"

"Yeah, boss," the foxkin coughed through gritted teeth and crawled awkwardly away to tuck himself into the shadows between some filing cabinets.

Gallant's face blanched with surprise. "You're leaving him?"

"Some medi you are," Rapid growled, grabbing her by the coat and dragging her forcibly to the door. "He's not gonna be running anytime soon with that big twig stickin' out of him. We can't wait, so unless you wanna stay here with him, shuddup and get in line."

Reluctantly the deerkin allowed herself to be shoved into place behind Bronco and the others, Rapid right behind her with his axe drawn.

"Let's get out of here!" the albino spat. "Whenever you're ready, Bronc!"

Bronco's heavily muscled frame tensed in readiness, and then he surged forward out into the mayhem of the workshop, his powerful legs propelling him with a surprising turn of pace despite his makeshift shield.

A series of metal-on-metal thunks rang in the air as several bolts impacted against the table, but Bronco didn't break stride. Dragging Karno along behind her, Jett kept the vulkin between her and the shooters, but in glimpses, she could see the chaos unfolding. There were enforcers everywhere, sleek, black-armoured frames spilling into the space with murderous intent. A dozen of Rapid's guards were fighting a losing battle against the highly trained wolfkin, bolts flying back and forth and brutal close-quarters combat erupting in amongst the workspaces.

Most of the enforcers didn't bother with weapons beyond their armbows, instead relying on their natural armaments of claws and teeth while their body armour protected them from the blades and bolts of the foxkin gang. But in the midst of the melee, she saw one figure she recognised.

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