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Chapter 12 - Time to Take on the Whole Wide World

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Fleur delivered the rig on time, and Jett was waiting for her.

The felkin swirled into the foyer like some kind of ethereal spirit, the silk trail of a fashionable overshawl flowing behind her as she walked. She moved with a feral confidence, her steps strident and brisk.

Behind her, a burly, squat-framed beaverkin struggled his way through the door, a sphere-wheeled cart trailing behind him, currently sealed shut to protect the precious rig within from the elements and any wandering claws in the district. Following in Fleur's wake, he pulled it to a halt at the reception, breathing heavily after lugging the thing through the streets, leaning on the counter as a chuckling Hiyfa greeted them.

"Ahy, whatcha got that poor boy draggin' through my house today, Fleur?" she laughed, nodding to the cart.

"Rig for one of your lodgers," Fleur told her, patting the beaverkin on his back as he caught his breath.

"What room?"

"She didn't say. Just told me to bring it here. She's new, a foxkin girl—pretty little thing too."

Jett rolled her eyes and stepped from the shadows across the foyer, padding quietly towards the reception desk. Hiyfa spotted her over Fleur's shoulder and grinned. It took the felkin a moment to realise why before she whirled around.

"Ah, there she is!"

"Hi," she said, giving Fleur a withering look.

"Put yer claws in it there, girl!" Hiyfa chuckled as she sat back down behind the reception desk.

Fleur gestured to the cart, smiling impishly. "Got the rig, just like you said. Oh, and this is Dosker—he helps me with the local deliveries."

"Please to meetcha," Dosker grunted, still leaning on the reception desk, his bristly brown fur ruffled from the effort of dragging the cart.

"Looks like you get all the fun jobs," Jett replied wryly.

Fleur let out a short, delicate laugh before she turned and typed a code into the metal casket's locking keypad. It opened with a hiss, just enough for her to hook her claws under the lid and push it up to reveal the Calibre.

Jett felt a tremor of anticipation at the sight of the glossy, matte finish of the machine, the main structure surrounded by the extras she requested. Nodding without looking at her, she fished into her pockets for the rest of the barkstamps and handed them over, her eyes alight with possibilities.

"Thanks," she said absently, still only half paying attention to Fleur. "Unload it here. I'll take it up the room myself."

"You sure? We can—"

"I'm sure." Jett looked at her sharply, hoping that would be sufficient to stop her friend from making any gallant offers. Fleur held her gaze, an expression of surprise flickering over her face for an instant before her cheery demeanour reasserted itself, and she cracked a smile.

"Okay then. You have any problems with the rig, you let me know—the stuff I sell is guaranteed. You know where to find me."

"I'm sure I'll see you around."

She stepped back to give the felkin space to safely remove the computing rig from the confines of the cart. Fleur moved with the easy deftness of an expert as she handled the gear, depositing it on the reception desk in a matter of moments, arranged exactly as it had been within the casket. Then she closed the cart up and took hold of the handle with one paw, extending the other.

"Well, good luck with...whatever it is you're doing." She beamed so happily that Jett couldn't keep a smile off her face as she shook paws with the felkin. Their grips stayed for a moment, and Jett felt a sudden surge of relief in her chest as she looked into Fleur's eyes. She still had friends in this world, despite all the horror and the hurt that had crashed down upon her over the past few days.

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