The storm

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The following chapter will contain disturbing and triggering content. I recommend readers


The carnival was coming along and would be ready in time for the benefit. I worked with Sofie, Rachel, and Mercedes on the booths.

"We need more pushpins and tape," Rachel mentioned.

"I can get it," Sofie said.

"Why don't I get it?" I asked.

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah. Reverend Harper leaves his office open if we need anything."

"Do you want one of us to help you?" Mercedes asked.

"It should be fine."

"Are you sure?"

"Positive." I smiled and headed to Reverend Harper's office.

The church was dimly lit, which seemed creepy. But I kept in mind that this was the house of worship. God would protect me.

I shook off the shiver, found Reverend Harper's office, and flipped a light switch. I checked his desk drawers until I found the push pins and tape. Once I got what I needed, I turned and gasped. "Joshua."

Joshua stood in the doorway but said nothing.

My heart pounded furiously. I controlled my breathing and acted casual. "You shouldn't be here."

Joshua crept into the room and closed the door.

I backed away slowly. "You need to leave."

Joshua didn't say a word as he crept toward me. My eyes scanned the room, trying to find anything to help me. I needed to get out of here.


I directed people when someone whispered in my ear.

You need to go.

I glanced around until I didn't see Melody.

Go now.

I approached Sofie, Rachel, and Mercedes to ask about Melody.

There's trouble.

I questioned the girls about Melody. They explained Melody went to my office to grab more push pins and tape. I walked in the direction of my office.


I picked up my pace as Demarco stopped me.


If I stayed here, it wouldn't end well. So, I made a break for the door until Joshua grabbed me. I fought, kicked, and screamed.

He covered my hand with his mouth. "Shut up, you stupid bitch!"

I sunk my teeth into his hand and bit him. Joshua's grip loosened as he grabbed his hand. I reached the door until he grabbed me by the hair, spun me around, and backhanded me. I fell to the floor and grabbed my cheek. Joshua grabbed me, turned me, and hit me again.

I fought him. "Someone help me!"

"Shut up!" His fist connected with my face.

"Get away from me!" I kicked and clawed his face.

"You'll pay for that!" Joshua hauled off and slammed his fist into me before throwing me onto the desk. He gripped my throat with his hand and leaned into my face. "I like it when they fight." Joshua tore my leggings and panties.

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