Children's benefit carnival

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Oliver called me and asked if Mel and I could meet him at the chapel. I didn't hesitate since Oliver helped me through my troubles. When I called Mel and told her, she agreed. Damn, my angel was terrific.

This girl didn't whine about why. No. She asked how she could help. You don't meet many people like her.

We arrived at the chapel to find Kyler and Rachel with Oliver.

"Hey, D," Kyler said.

"Hey, Kyler. What's going on?" I asked.

"I'll let Oliver explain it."

We turned to Oliver.

"I spoke to Kayden and Jayden about the charity event. I suggested something different this year to raise money for the center. Instead of a charity event, how about a carnival for the kids?"

Our brows lifted in surprise.

"The youth group could volunteer at the carnival while the kids could have fun. Since the money is for them, it would benefit everyone. What do you think?"

"I love the idea," Mel said, surprising us.

We looked at Mel.

"What I gathered from the meetings is everyone feels like they don't belong anywhere. Why not give them a reason to belong without people's judgment?"

"My thoughts exactly, Melody," Oliver said.

"We could have the local restaurant and bakery donate food for everyone. The businesses could use it as a tax write-off," Rachel said.

"I spoke to Owen about equipping the carnival for people with disabilities. We need a few more hands to help," Oliver said.

The front doors to the chapel opened. We turned as family members entered and strolled toward us.

"Say hello to our additional hands." Oliver held his hand out to the family.

Skylar walked toward us and stopped. "I'm so proud of you, Oliver." She hugged Oliver.

Aunt Amie and Mami walked toward Kyler and me.

"You boys make us so proud," Mami told us.

"Where are you planning to hold this carnival?" Owen asked Oliver.

"I had an interesting visit from someone. Follow me." Oliver waved us to follow him.

We arrived at a set of double doors with Jordin and Conner standing before them.

"Open the doors," Oliver said.

Jordin and Conner pulled the doors open. We walked into an area that looked like a warehouse and looked around. I didn't know this area existed in the chapel.

"What is this place?" Kyler asked.

"I contacted Kain after I found building plans. Uncle Nixon planned to expand the chapel as a venue for special functions. It was a surprise for the family. But Aunt Kat's death halted his dream," Oliver said.

Kaxon maneuvered around everyone, walked further into the area, and stopped. "I remember Grandpa talking about this place. He said he wanted to offer a place of happiness to people. What better way than to celebrate the happy occasions?"

"It's perfect," I said.

Everyone looked at me.

"I know I'm happiest when I'm here. It's the only place I feel safe."

People don't understand how fear grips you and rips happiness from you. When I hit my lowest, I came to the chapel. The Lord offered me peace and sanctuary from my troubles.

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