Melody, meet Grammy

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I wanted to surprise Grammy, so I didn't tell her I was visiting and bringing someone with me. I didn't tell Mel either. I didn't want Mel to chicken out.

I stopped by the bakery and picked up a dozen donuts before picking up Mel.

Mel climbed into the car and saw the donut box in the backseat. "What's with the donuts?"

I turned to the box. "We'll need it. Trust me."

Mel scrunched her face in confusion.

I drove to Grammy's house, pulled into the driveway, and parked. I exited, opened Mel's door, and grabbed the donut box. I handed Mel the box.

"Why are you giving me donuts?"

"You'll see."

Mel pinched her brows in confusion.

I placed my hand on her lower back and guided her to the front door. When we reached it, I rang the doorbell and waited.

The front door whipped open. Grammy stared at Mel and me in shock. "Demarco?"

"Hey, Grammy." I leaned into her, kissed her cheek, then stepped back.

Mel held the box out to Grammy. "Hello. It's so nice to meet you."

Grammy reached for the box, took it from Mel, and smiled. "It's nice to meet you, too." Grammy glanced from Mel to me.

"Grammy, this is Mel. Mel, this is my Grammy," I said.

Grammy stepped aside. "Come in before you freeze to death. I don't get many visits from you. I don't need even less."

I chuckled. "Yeah, sorry about that."

Mel entered first as I followed her.

Grammy closed the door and waited. Grandpa shuffled into the room and took the box from Grammy. I hugged Grammy as she squeezed me back.

"Oh, my booboo. I've missed you," Grammy said.

"I've missed you, too, Grammy."

"Promise me you won't stay away anymore."

"I promise. I'm sorry it took me time to visit you."

Grammy pulled back and rubbed my arms. "It doesn't matter. You're here now."

I nodded in agreement.

Grandpa took our coats and hung them up. "What brings you by our neck of the woods?"

"I wanted to introduce my girl to my grandparents, especially Grammy." I grinned.

Grammy placed her hands on her chest as her face lit up. "Your girl! Oh, my! We need to celebrate!"
Grammy turned to Grandpa. "Call the kids."

"Lark, the kids might be busy."

"The kids are never too busy for me. Now call them."


"Mav, don't kill my dream to have the kids altogether. Now call them." Grammy stomped her foot.

"Okay, I'll call them." Grandpa walked away to call the others.

"Tell them we'll need more donuts!"

"Yes, baby!"

Grammy turned to us with a grin. "I can't wait for everyone to get here."

"Are you sure that's a good idea?" I asked.

"Deamarco Maverick Harper, don't sass me." Grammy wagged her finger at me.

The Harper Family: Faithfully Yours (Wattpad Version)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum