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After a few missteps, my date with Mel went smoother. I chalked it up to nerves on both our parts.

We talked and shared dessert after dinner. Jorge was right. I had let my fear control my happiness. I wish we had spoken sooner. I wouldn't have so long to ask Mel on a date.

"I am truly sorry for acting crazy when I was ten," Mel said.

"No worries. Pat still teases me about it when he talks to me."

Mel's cheeks tinged with pink. "Oh."

"But I'm glad I took the leap to ask you out."

Mel's brows shot up. "You are?"

I nodded. "Yeah. You're a sweet person, Mel. I hope you don't think I'm too forward when I ask you out again."

Mel's mouth cracked as she stared at me. "You want to go out with me again?"

My lips curled into a smile. "Would you say yes if I asked you out?"


My brow curled at Mel's response.

"Um, I mean, yes." Mel shrunk into herself.

I chuckled. "Good. What are you doing Thursday?"

"I have classes."

"I meant in the evening."

"Nothing that I know of." Mel shook her head.

"Did you want to see a movie?"


"Then it's a date. We can grab a bite at the bakery before the movie."


We finished our dessert. I asked for the check.

Gabe approached the table and looked at us with his hands behind his back. "Your dinner has been paid for in full."

I pinched my brows together in confusion. "By who?"

"Someone that chose to remain anonymous. The person said for you to enjoy your meal."

I looked at Gabe and knitted my brows.

Gabe leaned into my ear. "We understand, Demarco. Please let us do this for you."

I looked at Gabe and wondered who paid for our dinner. "Can you thank the person for me?"

"I will." Gabe nodded and smiled.


Gabe stepped back. Mel and I stood up. I helped her with her coat and walked her out to the car. I still wondered who paid for our dinner.


I was working on a paper when Romeo entered the living room and plopped in a chair. "If you're plotting, I don't want to know."

"Why do you always assume the worst from me?"

I glanced at Romeo. "I know you."

Romeo gave me an annoyed look. "Uncle Gabe called."

"Yeah?" I checked my references.

"He told me that Demarco wanted to thank me for paying for his date. I didn't even know Demarco had a date."

"Maybe you paid for it without realizing it."

"No, I would have remembered paying for a date." Romeo played with his bottom lip.

"Maybe Sage paid for it and didn't tell you."

"Huh?" Romeo cocked his head and squinted his eyes at me.

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