Chapter Thirteen - Found Family

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Your P.O.V.


I wake up but I'm not on the floor anymore, I'm on a bed I sit up and look around to see Georg asleep in the chair. An alarm goes off and both Georg and Gustav start waking up. I get up and look over at Georg. He notices and smiles at me.

"Did you sleep okay?" I nod.

"Yes, but did you sleep okay that can't have been comfortable." He gets up and ruffles my hair.

"I've slept through worse." I laugh and smile at him. I grab my bag and head to the bathroom to get ready. I come out and Gustav goes in. I sit next to Georg on the bed.

"Thank you for letting me sleep in your bed. It was really nice of you. I hope I wasn't too heavy." Georg smiles.

"Not at all, I'm pretty strong." He flexed his arm and I laughed. Gustav comes out of the bathroom and Georg goes in. Gustav sits across from me and smiles.

"Georg was worried you wouldn't get enough rest on the floor so he moved you." I smile.

"I could have slept just fine without a bed." Gustav shrugs.

"He just worries a lot." Georg comes out and looks over at Gustav as he sits next to me.

"So what's the plan, should I go make sure Bill and Tom are ready while you guys wait here." Gustav nods. Georg walks out the door and heads over to Tom and Bill's room. Gustav gets up and grabs a hat and hoodie from his bag and hands me the hoodie while placing the hat on my head.

"Just in case. To keep you safe." I smile and put on the hoodie putting the hat on after. Georg comes back.

"Tom and Bill are ready, is that my hoodie?" Gustav laughs and nods.

"Oh I didn't realize it was yours Gustav just handed me something." Georg smiles.

"It's alright it looks good on you." I smile and stand up grabbing my bag and heading out of the room after Georg. I come out and I see Bill and Tom they seem rather stressed but I can understand why, after all, they're working really hard to keep me from getting hurt by Carla. Bill sees me and smiles.

"Good idea Gustav giving them a disguise will keep them safer." Tom comes over and stands next to me putting a hand on my shoulder. Tom whispers to me so only I can hear.

"Bill barely slept last night he was so worried about you." I look over to Bill and notice the bags under his eyes. I look back at Tom and he motions to go talk to Bill. I walk over to Bill talking to him.

"So, how'd you sleep last night?" He sighs.

"Not great, but I'm glad you slept well the floor can't have been comfortable." I shake my head.

"Georg ended up moving me to his bed while I slept. I feel bad because he was sleeping in the chair." I notice Bill giving Georg a strange look.

"Well, I'm glad you got a good amount of rest." I smile at him and everyone starts to head out. We get to the lobby and I notice that it's still dark out. Wow, it must be pretty bad if we have to leave this early. The manager talks about the plans for the day and we all head to the bus. I sit down next to Bill and half listen to the speech that the manager gives us. I lay there and think about how much time I have until I'm either kicked to the curb or I have to move to Germany. I'm not even registered as a living being how would that even work? I hope they have a private plane and can somehow sneak me through security. I look at each of the boys and realize that I'd rather be here than anywhere else. Then I look at Bill and I know that I want to be with him. He looks over at me and smiles. I wanna marry this bitch so bad.

"So do you have any plans on where you're going yet?" I look at Tom and sigh.

"No, I don't have any other living relatives so I'm stuck with you guys at the moment. Not that I mind because you guys have become like my family at this point." Tom smiles then starts to fake cry holding my hand.

"I'll be like the older brother you've never had I'll protect you from everything." We start laughing at his antics as we reach the highway, I look out the window.

I truly hope this never ends.

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