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"What in the world are you doing here?" Jungkook asked as he stepped into his kitchen, only to find another already there and eating waffles, in place of the usual moody woman.

"Look who's finally up. Rise and shine beautiful." Taehyung grinned, enjoying the pure confusion and annoyance seeping from the latter in front of him.

"Shut up, hyung. Where's Lisa?" He asked once more as the latter swallowed his current bite of food and faced him with a smile.

"Not a clue. She's on an operation." He truthfully replied.

Although Jungkook would have liked if pestering would have gotten him more answers, he himself knew that DEA operated on a no transparency policy.

Which means, the useless person in front of him truly had no clue as to where she had disappeared.

"So, what. No bodyguard for the day?" He asked, hoping that was the case as he couldn't bear the thought of trying to deal with a random person he had never met before for the entirety of the day.

"Psht. As if. You get me. The amazing and never-beatable Taehyung." The elder mocked, putting himself in all his imaginary glory as Jungkook only stared disgustedly as he sipped at his coffee.

"Yeah. Would rather have a random agent. You'd probably get me killed yourself." He said as Taehyung scoffed.

"Are you crazy? I'm literally one of the top agents in the world right now, mind you. People quiver when they here the word 'Sin'." He defended as the younger only raised an eyebrow.

"The same way people run when they here 'Love'? Or 'Sun'? Or even 'fox'?" Jungkook mocked as Taehyung shook his head.

"To the right audience, yeah. Love is an ironical name, intentionally. Sin, no need of irony there. Sun because she'll burn you, and fox, because her methods are quite foxy. So yeah, shut your trap." Taehyung laughed as Jungkook only sighed.

"Alright then, bodyguard. Let's get to work." He sighed, slipping on his blazer and walking out as Taehyung walked beside him, thoroughly enjoying his vacation.


The two landed with a muffled thud side by side on the whitest snow possible, near the undercover world wide terror groups Greenland base.

"Ruby. Confirming landing. Vitals check." Jennie softly spoke according to protocol, knowing their comms would pick it up.

"Vitals green." Their handler spoke from the other side, an agent from the Sweden base replied.

"Love. Confirming landing. Vitals check." Lisa went next, as the two took cover near a stone, waiting for their next step to advance.

"Vitals confirmed. You are good to proceed." The two nodded at each other before proceeding up the snow caps towards the building, noticing guards.

"Thank god for the variety of colours out suits come in." Lisa murmured as Jennie nodded.

"Let's hope it blends in enough for us to not be seen by the, 23 guards in the north entrance." Jennie whispered back before hauling the pair behind another rock.

"Fuck. There are drones." She whispered, glancing to see if there were anymore.

"We need a compound examination. And try and trace how many drones are present." Lisa whispered to her comms as he prepped on of the gadgets they had brought.

"Worst comes to worse, I have the magnetic field shock wave thing. It should work, but it'll probably set off the alarms and we'll have to find a quick and other way in." She continued as Jennie glanced to the device.

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